You are here: For the applicantsFunding schemesCalls to foster RDIRDI funding sources
The system of sources to stimulate innovation
The system of sources to stimulate innovation
07 March 2018
Modified: 07 March 2018
Reading time: 1 minute(s)

During the 2014–2020 period, a total of HUF 1200 billion (EUR 3.9 billion) is available from European and domestic sources to promote research, development and innovation:

  • GINOP: Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP/GINOP)
    European funds for the entire country except the Central Hungary region
  • VEKOP: Competitive Central Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP/VEKOP)
    European funds for the Central Hungary region
  • NKFI Fund: National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
    made up of the innovation tax paid by enterprises

The strategic objective of the portfolio of calls is to strengthen the Hungarian RDI ecosystem and to sustain its momentum beyond 2020.

Updated: 07 March 2018
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