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Celebrating innovation and entrepreneurship at the EIT Awards 2013
Registration is open! A key objective of the EIT is to support the creation of an entrepreneurial culture – both as a mind-set and as an activity. In order to support this objective, the EIT organises an annual award competition in collaboration with its three KICs – Climate-KIC, EIT ICT Labs and KIC InnoEnergy - in two categories:

The EIT Awards will:

  • showcase to the wider audience the potential and talent of young members of the EIT/KIC community;
  • promote an entrepreneurial and innovation mind-set, a can-do spirit and a (calculated) risk-taking culture by putting the spotlight on KIC ventures and the Next Generation of Change Agents and Entrepreneurs;
  • provide a platform for mutual inspiration and entrepreneurial opportunities;

We look forward to welcoming you at the EIT Awards 2013 in Budapest on 12 November!

Please register here: http://eitawards.teamwork.fr/en/registration

More information: http://eit.europa.eu/newsroom-and-media/article/celebrating-innovation-and-entrepreneurship-at-the-eit-awards-2013/

Utolsó módosítás: 2015. január 28.
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