HCEMM Teaming National Laboratory
HCEMM Teaming Nemzeti Laboratórium
Basic data

Field of Operation
Healthy Living
Place of implementation
The objective of the HCEMM Teaming National Laboratory is to establish a centre with a strong focus on translational medicine, to promote the clinical application of basic research results and to ensure scientific excellence based on an international peer review system. The main objective is to build a translational medicine centre, which in the long term will include all the sites in Hungary where such research and development is currently taking place. HCEMM activities focus on translational medicine, promoting the clinical application of basic research results and ensuring scientific excellence based on international peer review. The centre also aims to become a regional hub of scientific excellence, training and employing highly qualified researchers and conducting cutting-edge research in molecular medicine. HCEMM develops biomedical technology from early stage to clinical trials, either on its own or in collaboration with industry and academia. The HCEMM works closely with the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), which provides full access to its advanced instrumentation facilities for HCEMM researchers.
Main research areas:

  • Translational medicine
  • Healthy ageing
  • Immune-inflammatory diseases
  • Metabolic and cardiovascular diseases
  • Genomic instability and cancers
  • Infectious diseases, in particular co-morbidities
  • Scientific computing, Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics
  • Biobanking and Phase I Clinical Trials

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:

  • Novel molecular diagnostic tools for the early detection of ageing-related diseases.
  • Lower healthcare costs and increasing life expectancy and quality of life for patients.
  • Commercialize and exploit intellectual property created by HCEMM research groups.
  • Position Hungary on the map of international life sciences research.
  • Strengthen Hungarian knowledge regions in Hungary and Central and Eastern Europe. Involve members of society in research on age-related diseases.
  • Strengthen the link between academia and industry.
  • Develop strong links to international organizations, with EMBL as the first example


HCEMM Nonprofit Ltd.




Utolsó módosítás: 18 June 2024
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