Page 28 - Roadmap
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       ESFRI classification by
                                 Research infrastructure networks (groups)  Name of coordinator institution
        scientific field (6)

                                 ESS-HU Network (European Social Survey)   HAS Centre for Social Sciences

                                 SHARE HU Network (Survey of Health, Ageing
                                                                           HAS Centre for Economic and Regional Studies
       SOCIAL AND CULTURAL       and Retirement in Europe)
                                 CESSDA HU Network (Consortium of European
                                                                           HAS Centre for Social Sciences
                                 Social Sciences Data Archives)

                                 HUNCLARIN Network (Common Language
                                                                           HAS Research Institute for Linguistics
                                 Resources and Technology Infrastructure)

                                 E-infrastructure                          Government Information Technology Agency

                                                                           Budapest University of Technology and Economics,
                                                                           Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation
       One of the main factors of developing research infrastructures and creating groups was to support the strategic directions and
       priorities specified in the National Smart Specialisation Strategy (S3) and the RDI Strategy.

       In addition to reflecting the national characteristics and policy requirements, the RI groups also follow the international trend
       of putting more emphasis on the complex approach to problems, horizontal aspects, interdisciplinarity and data management,
       as well as on translating data analysis, networking and research outputs into practice. There also appears to be a general shift of
       focus between research fields, which can also be perceived in a domestic context. For instance, research infrastructures in chem-
       istry have penetrated into the relevant RI groups of the Environment, Health Sciences, Physical Sciences and Engineering, and
       Energy thematic areas. Agriculture and food research are separated for policy considerations: due to its substantial environmental
       impacts agriculture is now put into Environment, and food research into Health and Food Sciences.

       In the following the ESFRI thematic areas will be used to present the domestic RI groups which involve several research
       groups and are thus especially important in the given field of science, enable international-quality research, contribute to solving
       strategic problems, perform internationally outstanding research activities, and actively take part in European initiatives and
       cooperation projects.

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