Page 25 - Roadmap
P. 25

6. RI development directions and strategic objectives

       The only way for Hungary to become an active participant in international research cooperation is to seek excellence in
       the field of infrastructure development as well. The National Roadmap gives us a fair view of the current situation of Hun-
       garian research infrastructures, as well as the strengths and problems relating to their operation. This provided the foun-
       dations of setting the strategic medium-term objectives for RI operation as follows:

           1. boost the competitiveness of research infrastructures, with particular focus on the priority areas specified in the
             strategies and on European research directions;
           2. promote the domestic networking of R&D infrastructures;
           3. facilitate connection to major international infrastructures and networks;
           4. improve the utilisation of RI capacities through cooperation;
           5. make the register of research infrastructures public and ensure access to free capacities.

       Policy considerations

       It is important to strengthen the policy coordination of research infrastructures for the better utilisation of available fi-
       nancial resources, increased policy relevance and acknowledgement of research infrastructures, and the more efficient ex-
       ploitation of memberships in international research infrastructures.

       Furthermore, awareness-raising, information and knowledge-sharing opportunities should be grasped more effectively to
       raise Hungarian researchers’ awareness of international research infrastructures and thus encourage them to strive for sci-
       entific excellence.


       Increased internationalisation is a primary focus in relation to research infrastructures. Participation in international re-
       search networks is a prerequisite for stimulating efficient and quality-oriented research. International cooperation also en-
       ables Hungarian researchers to join international ESFRI research infrastructures.

       In terms of memberships in international RIs, it is recommended to develop a transparent preparation process and a set
       of assessment criteria that ensures the efficient, sustainable and excellence-based use of infrastructure memberships and
       enables membership in newly established international RIs. As to international membership fees, Hungary should seek to
       avail the opportunity of in-kind contributions to the fullest possible extent. To this end, existing memberships should be
       revised every 3-5 years.

       Among the strategic objectives, top priority is given to the use of the capacities of the ELI large research infrastructure,
       which facilitates Hungary’s active participation in international research in several fields of science.


       Reduced isolation and increased openness of domestic RIs are vital for effective and quality-focused research. In this re-
       spect, the change of mentality is as important as the establishment of appropriate research infrastructures.

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