Page 39 - Roadmap
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                                         EURO-BIOIMAGING CONSORTIUM

        Presentation of the RI group
        Advanced Light Microscopy and medical imaging play an increasingly important role in biomedical basic and applied
        research and in diagnostics, which is clearly confirmed by the two recent Nobel Prizes in this field (2014: super-resolved
        fluorescence microscopy, 2017: cryo-electron microscopy). Under the governance of European light microscopy and
        medical imaging microscopy laboratories, the Euro-BioImaging (EuBI) ESFRI consortium was formed in December
        2010 ( and will operate as an ERIC. The aim of the consortium is to connect European mi-
        croscopy and medical imaging service provider laboratories into a network. The Hungarian BioImaging Network was
        established in 2009 with 26 members. Several members of the network (University of Debrecen, Semmelweis University,
        HAS Biological Research Centre, Femtonics Ltd.) have partnered in a joint EuBI Node project proposal.
        The non-exhaustive list of technologies available in the infrastructures: super-resolution systems capable of single-
        molecule detection and approximation (stimulated emission depletion, STED, two-photon STED; photoactivated lo-
        calization microscopy, PALM; stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy, STORM; structured illumination
        microscopy, SIM), optical tweezers, in vivo functional microscopy (e.g. multiphoton microscopy, 2D and 3D, fast two
        and three-photon scanning laser microscopy; Förster resonance energy transfer, FRET-microscopy; fluorescence lifetime
        imaging microscopy, FLIM, rescueSTED-FLIM; fluorescence [cross]correlation spectroscopy, F[C]CS; differential
        polarization laser scanning microscopy, DP-LSM; Rescan Confocal Microscopy [RCM] with polarization imaging at-
        tachment; total internal reflection fluorescence, TIRF), stimulated Raman spectroscopy (SRS), high throughput mi-
        croscopy, machine learning algorithms, automated image analysis, laser dissection and analysis of unique cells, functional
        medical imaging equipment (e.g. CT, PET/CT, MRI, SPECT, fMRI, NEXSTIM), pet imaging equipment for pre-
        clinical, translational research (e.g. mini-PET, nano-PET/CT, PET/MRI, fMRI, micro-CT, bioluminescence imager).
        Application areas of the infrastructure in biological and biomedical basic and applied research: brain research, devel-
        opment of surgical diagnostic and therapeutic devices, drug design, nano-biotechnology, structural biology, membrane
        biology, cell biology, developmental biology, bioinspired smart materials. Group members engage in methodology and
        device development and manufacturing. The partners are cooperating in a number of running projects. The infrastruc-
        tures are also available for domestic and foreign researchers.and foreign

        National coordinator of the RI group:                    Background information
        University of Debrecen                                   The Hungarian BioImaging Network operates as a distributed re-
                                                                 search infrastructure. The diversity of the methods requires speciali-
        Contact: György Vámosi                                   sation. 26 university and research institution laboratories form part
        Email:                             of the network, and several other labs have indicated their intention
        Website:  to join. The partners have world-class instrument parks, developed
        sis%20Core%20Facility                                    in a coordinated manner from GINOP instrument development           funding. The members of the network have partnered in several joint
                                                                 GINOP project proposals in which BioImaging plays a decisive role.
        Partners: University of Debrecen - multiple locations; HAS Biological Re-  Several members of the network participated in a joint Euro-
        search Centre - multiple locations; University of Pécs - Szentágothai Rese-  Bioimaging Node project proposal in 2014, which was endorsed by
        arch Centre; UP Medical School, Clinical Centre; Semmelweis University   the professional jury and ratified by the EuBI Interim Board.
        – multiple locations; University of Kaposvár;  HAS Institute for Nuclear
        Research; HAS Institute of Experimental Medicine; Femtonics Ltd.; Eötvös   Aim of the RI group
        Loránd University; HAS Research Centre for Natural Sciences; University   The current goal is to make the Euro-Bioimaging Node operational,
        of Szeged                                                which will satisfy the needs of domestic and European researchers,
                                                                 connecting them to the global research community. Due to the
        ESFRI connection: Euro-BioImaging                        rapid development of imaging technology, there is a continuous de-
        Status of the RI group: under implementation             mand for developing the infrastructures. This development activity
                                                                 is largely carried out by the members of the RI group.

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