Page 45 - Roadmap
P. 45
Presentation of the RI group
Europe assigns great priority to the development of nuclear physics infrastructures. They are largely based on the particle
accelerators and – in a smaller part – on research-purpose fission reactors, or they are experimental fusion equipment.
Acceleration technology is not only used by nuclear physics but also by particle physics, atomic and molecular physics
(which study high energy processes in the electron shell), as well as many applications in materials science, plasma
physics, space physics or cancer therapy. The variety of analytical nuclear materials science methods, that evolved from
the toolset of atomic and nuclear physics, is of utmost importance. Apart from basic research, domestic nuclear physics
infrastructures also play an important role in applications in the field of materials science, radiation biology, environ-
mental protection and cultural heritage protection. The group consists of a number of laboratories, which carry out
their work in close collaboration. Its most outstanding infrastructures with the largest number of assets are the MTA
Atomki Accelerator Centre and the BNC Neutron Spectroscopy Laboratory.
National coordinator of the RI group: Background information
HAS Institute for Nuclear Research The group is coordinated by coordinator MTA Atomki where
Hungarian experimental nuclear physics research started 70 years
Contact: Zsolt Dombrádi ago. Accelerator-based research in nuclear physics and ion beam
Email: analytics also dates back to 40 years ago. Most of the partner lab-
Website: oratories operate here, engaging in activities from theoretical and
experimental basic research in nuclear physics to the industrial ap-
Partners: MTA Atomki Accelerator Centre; MTA Atomki Laboratory of plication of cyclotron and research on analytical methods or her-
Nuclear Physics; MTA Atomki Laboratory of Atomic Collisions; MTA itage science. MTA Wigner FK, which comprises the rest of the
Atomki Laboratory of Ion Beam Physics; MTA Atomki Heritage Science partners, has an equally broad spectrum of activities, including
Laboratory; MTA Atomki Laboratory of Cyclotron Application; MTA neutron physics, ion implantation techniques and Mössbauer spec-
Atomki Laboratory of Electron Spectroscopy and Materials Science; MTA troscopy in addition to the above.
Atomki Tandetron Laboratory; MTA Atomki Laboratory of Theoretical
Physics; MTA Wigner FK BNC Neutron Spectroscopy Laboratory; MTA Aim of the RI group
Wigner FK RMI Ion Beam Analytics and Ion Implantation Laboratory; The RI group aims to constantly expand and modernise the activ-
MTA Wigner FK Molecular Beam Epitaxy Laboratory; MTA Wigner FK ities, and to develop them in the directions set out by external de-
Mössbauer Spectroscopy Laboratory; MTA Atomki – MTA Wigner FK mand and the latest research trends. The two research centres have
Hungarian Ion-beam Physics Platform (HIPP) already established the Hungarian Ion-beam Physics Platform
(HIPP), which coordinates part of their activities corresponding
ESFRI connection: E-RIHS; GSI FAIR; GANIL SPIRAL2; ESS ERIC; to the focus of the present RI group, and they wish to keep up and
CERIC ERIC; ILL 20/20 further intensify cooperation, drawing on even more resources.
They are ambitious to actively develop their ESFRI and ERIC type
Status of the RI group: partly under implementation relations together.