Page 46 - Roadmap
P. 46


                               7.4. PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING


        Presentation of the RI group
        The formation of stars, planets and planetary systems will be a key research question in astrophysics in the next 15-20
        years. Astronomy is currently gaining importance everywhere and constantly delivers exciting new discoveries. Under-
        standing the operation of the Sun, and mapping the Solar System and monitoring its changes, are all absolutely relevant
        to life on Earth, the planet’s climate and environment changes, to our immediate environment in general. Through the
        observation of the extreme conditions of matter in the cosmos, astronomy is linked to a number of areas of physics.
        Advanced astronomical instrumentations incorporate all the achievements of cutting-edge technology and information
        science. The Hungarian astronomical infrastructure allows the implementation of dedicated long-term observation
        programmes, which gain impact through observations unavailable elsewhere. A network is currently being developed
        in international and national cooperation for the purpose of constantly monitoring the Earth’s environment (Cosmic
        impacts and risks). Shortly, two new robotic telescopes will be available for exploring and monitoring fast, high-energy
        processes in the universe, which is a significant development even at European level. The highly qualified, internationally
        acknowledged researchers employed in the partner institutions of the RI group cover a wide spectrum of astronomical
        research, including the fields of space physics and nuclear physics.

        National coordinator of the RI group:                    Background information
        HAS Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Research Centre   The group coordinator is MTA CSFK Konkoly Observatory
        for Astronomy and Earth Sciences                         (MTA CSFK CSI), which has been the centre of Hungarian astro-
                                                                 nomical research for 120 years. Both CSI and its researchers have
        Contact: László Kiss                                     long maintained informal, and sometimes also formal, relationship
        Email:                                   with most of the listed partners. CSI researchers take part in on-
        Website:                               going and planned European (ESA) space projects (CHEOPS,
                                                                 PLATO, ARIEL), both as users and as coordinators. The domestic
        Partners: MTA CSFK Konkoly Observatory; ELTE Department of Ast-  research infrastructure is undergoing significant development, and
        ronomy; ELTE Gothard Astrophysical Observatory; SZTE Institute of   has the ability to achieve world-class results with well-chosen pro-
        Physics; SZTE Baja Observatory; ELTE TTK Institute of Physics; MTA   grams. In addition to the listed institutions, there are no other in-
        Wigner FK RMI; MTA Atomki                                stitutions in Hungary that would deal with astronomical research.
                                                                 The requirements set by detection technology are enhancing high-
        ESFRI connection: OPTICON; AHEAD; EST; ASTERICS          tech and IT development without being exposed to the pressure
                                                                 and risks of market competition.
        Status of the RI group: partly under implementation
                                                                 Aim of the RI group
                                                                 The aim of the group is to continue their research. They would like
                                                                 to complete the modernisation of the entire national astronomy in-
                                                                 frastructure over the next three years. Hungary has been a full-
                                                                 fledged member of the European Space Agency for three years. The
                                                                 group’s goal is to intensify cooperation with European space pro-
                                                                 grammes and join the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

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