ELI National Laboratory
ELI Nemzeti Laboratórium
Basic data

Field of Operation
Digital Transformation of Economy and Society
Place of implementation
The basic objective of the ELI-ALPS project is to create a user infrastructure for laser-based research disciplines. Each facility serves separate but complementary research activities. The Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) project is an integral part of the generation of large-scale research facilities planned or under construction in Europe, brought together by the European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI). The ELI is the world’s first facility to enable the examination of interaction between light and matter at unprecedented intensities, even in the so-called ultrarelativistic range. This will open new doors in physics and can lay the foundations of new technical developments, such as relativistic microelectronics and compact (desktop size) laser particle accelerators. ELI will have a significant impact on many areas of materials science, medicine and environmental protection.
Main research areas:

  • Ultrafast electron dynamics
  • Materials science
  • Ultrashort Laser Driven by Particle and X-ray Sources
  • Plasma and High-field Physics
  • Radiobiological Application

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:

  • The research conducted at ELI will have implications in particle physics, nuclear physics, gravitational physics, nonlinear field theory, ultrahigh-pressure physics, astrophysics, cosmology, and other fields. Additionally, ELI aims to provide compact laser plasma accelerators that can generate ultra-short energetic particle beams and radiation. These secondary sources offer X-ray technologies that can shed light on the complete time history of important reactions such as protein activity, protein folding, radiolysis, chemical bond monitoring, and catalysis processes. This knowledge will contribute to a better understanding and control of key events during chemical bond formation and destruction, which may have significant implications for industries such as drug development.
  • Overall, high-power lasers like those at ELI will have a profound impact on both industry and society.


ELI-HU Nonprofit Ltd.



Utolsó módosítás: 18 June 2024
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