Agrotechnology National Laboratory
Agrártechnológiai Nemzeti Laboratórium
Basic data
Field of Operation
Green Transition
Place of implementation
Budapest, Gödöllő
The Agrotechnology National Laboratory aims to support the preservation and improvement of soil and its intrinsic environmental condition, while promoting environmental sustainability. Its activities cover the integration of domestic soil test results into a unified database, the creation of opportunities for the routine application of spectral methods enabling time- and cost-efficient, environmentally friendly laboratory soil testing, the establishment of the first domestic soil spectral library, the investigation of different biomass materials and their potential for energy and soil replenishment through different technologies, and the innovative development of modern crop protection technologies with minimal environmental impact.
Main research areas:

  • A national, high-resolution soil database
  • Spectroscopy-based soil parameter estimation method
  • Domestic soil spectral library
  • Biomass fuels
  • Performance and environmental testing and certification of solid fuel combustion equipment
  • Environmental analysis, monitoring of environmental pollutants
  • Plant protection machinery and plant protection technologies

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:

  • The creation of an IT system for the automatic collection, quality control, organisation and database integration of data from soil laboratories in Hungary.
  • Development of an organic micropollutant analytical laboratory for more complex detection of targeted organic micropollutants.
  • Research results can anticipate the potential and limitations of the sustainable use of certain biomass feedstocks (in particular agricultural by-products and wastes) in a given technology or technology chain.
  • The testing capacity created during the project will enable the provision of a continuous service to small and medium-sized enterprises, the RDI market, machinery manufacturers, distributors and farmers, covering the definition of the working quality and drift reduction characteristics of plant protection machinery, as well as the technical characteristics of machinery and its components. These objective tests are essential in the product development process, as well as in the evaluation and qualification of crop protection machinery and technologies.
  • The spectral library (based on visible and near-infrared and mid-infrared spectroscopic measurements), representing the soil diversity of Hungary, will provide a time- and cost-effective, environmentally friendly way to determine key soil parameters at local, regional and national levels. In the efforts to expand this database, the soil data provided by national laboratories following the protocols defined by GLOSOLAN (Global Soil Laboratory Network) play a key role. By joining this global initiative and by providing continuous data, the National Laboratory has the opportunity to become part of an international network of users of modern, sustainable and environmentally friendly soil testing technologies.

Consortium leader

National Food Chain Safety Office

Consortium partner

  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences

Utolsó módosítás: 18 June 2024
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