The National Laboratory for Cooperative Technologies
Kooperatív Technológiák Nemzeti Laboratóriuma
Basic data

Field of Operation
Safety and Security
Place of implementation
Budapest, Gödöllő, Győr, Pécs, Szeged, Zalaegerszeg
The National Laboratory for Cooperative Technologies builds and develops dual use innovation capacities and competencies. Its main goal is the physical and content realization of an “innovation space” that plays a key role in the digitization, research and development of industry and the relating dual use industry at both national and regional levels.
Main research areas:

  • Off-road unmanned ground vehicles
  • Drone technology
  • Network centric cooperative automation
  • Bionics, robotics
  • Additive manufacturing and material technology

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:

  • Implementation of real-time automated operation of off-road vehicles using static maps and dynamic environment sensing, implementation of a working prototype
  • Methodology for the semi-automatic generation of maps supporting static field autonomy
  • Common control system of ground and air autonomous platforms integrated into a cooperative network, with real-time communication, real-time detection and intervention, integration with the C2/C4 systems currently in use via standard interfaces
  • Implementation of a security application system on a real site
  • Development of a small drone conforming to military standards with the option of swarm control
  • Development of a VTOL type drone with a payload of 25 kg, implementation of a working prototype
  • Scalable battery management system and control electronics applicable to drones
  • Laser drone defense prototype system
  • Implementation of a special body sensor product
  • AR/VR remote manipulation SW
  • Experimental implementation of exoskeleton models
  • Smart clothing pilot implementation
  • Smart clothing data integration SW
  • Development of comprehensive metal, polymer 3D printing and composite material technology competence
  • Application of additive technology in relation to the devices developed in the project

Consortium leader:

TECHTRA Technology Transfer Institute Pbc. Non-Profit Ltd.

Consortium partners:

  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • CollMot Robotics Ltd.
  • Femtonics Ltd.
  • Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences
  • HM Electronics, Logistics and Asset Management Ltd.
  • MouldTech Systems Kft.
  • HUN-REN Institute for Computer Science and Control
  • Széchenyi István University
  • University of Szeged
  • National University of Public Service
  • University of Pécs
  • ZalaZONE InnoTech Nonprofit Ltd.



Utolsó módosítás: 04 July 2024
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