Research Laboratory for Nanoplasmonic Laser Fusion
Nanoplazmonikus Lézeres Fúzió Kutatólaboratórium
Basic data

Field of Operation
Green Transition
Place of implementation
Budapest, Szeged
The fusion of light nuclei offers the prospect of highly efficient energy extraction, with no long-term polluting by-products. Alongside the magnetic confinement plasma (ITER), laser-assisted fusion is the subject of research around the world. The lab is exploring new ways to nanotechnologically prepare and laser irradiate the fusion target to increase the efficiency of energy absorption and avoid the development of instabilities during ultrashort pulses.
Main research areas:

  • Nanoplasmonics
  • Nuclear physics
  • Spectroscopy
  • Quantum optics
  • Non-equilibrium plasma fusion

Benefits to be expected from laboratory research:
  • Making power generation in nuclear power plants more efficient and scalable
  • Building a network of mini (basement-sized) power plants, which will greatly increase energy security by connecting them to the appropriate smart grid
  • Developing even smaller energy sources, truck (or bus, combat vehicle) size, to increase mobility and reduce battery demand
  • Developing and implementing fusion process chains with no radioactive waste production and power plants to achieve zero environmental impact.


HUN-REN Wigner Research Centre for Physics

Utolsó módosítás: 18 June 2024
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