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Innovation services

By developing a national innovation services system, the National Innovation Office supports the implementation of the innovation policy objectives of governmental strategies, including:

  • the dissemination of new knowledge and results, and the creation of the conditions of their utilization in the field of research and development;
  • the technological renewal, dynamic growth of businesses, and the development of their innovation capability;
  • the development of the national/international co-operation and the networking of innovative actors;
  • the system-level development of innovative services, improvement of their quality and coherence;
  • the improvement of the conditions of effective utilization of innovation funds;
  • the support of the social awareness and acceptance of science and technology.

To achieve the above mentioned objectives, the National Innovation Office – regarding its mission defined by the relevant regulation – has started the development of a new, modern and integrated national innovation service system, concerning the best international practices (best practices) and domestic conditions.

Utolsó módosítás: 2012. október 05.
© National Research, Development and Innovation Office H-1077 Bp, Kéthly Anna tér 1., Phone: (+361) 795 9500