Page 16 - Roadmap
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3. Hungary’s participation in European research infrastructures
Hungary has long-established and internationally recognised traditions in the field of research and development, which
is also demonstrated by the country’s scientific achievements and extensive international relations. It is also the fruit of in-
ternational cooperation that Hungary has been participating in certain international and European research infrastructures
for many years. Apart from the long-established research relations, another important milestone for domestic researchers
was the year 2015 when a comprehensive survey was conducted among the major representatives of higher education in-
stitutions and the academia on the needs of joining international research infrastructures. The survey was aimed at iden-
tifying the infrastructures Hungary should join in consideration of domestic research capacities, achievements, objectives
and the expected socio-economic impacts of the membership. As a result, at the end of 2017 Hungary is participating in
the research infrastructures shown in Table 1 as a full-fledged member, 16 of which were presented in the latest ESFRI
Roadmap 2016.
Table 1: Hungary’s membership in European research infrastructures
RI short name RI name Type Brief description
Hungary has observer status in the project. It is expected to be operational in
2020. The aim is to support interdisciplinary research on the great river-sea systems
(RS). It extends to environmental, social and economic research, and brings closer
DANUBIUS International Centre for Advanced Studies on River-Sea Project Distributed the various branches of environmental protection. It gives access to RS systems, related
Systems facilities and expertise facilitating the dissemination of knowledge and the coordina-
tion of data.
Hungary has observer status in EPOS. The EPOS project is in the implementation
phase, expected to become operational in 2020. It will be capable of implementing in-
novative multidisciplinary research projects which aim to better understand physical and
EPOS European Plate Observing System Project Distributed chemical changes causing earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, surface instabilities and
tsunamis and determining the dynamics of the Earth’s surface.
Health & Food
Supports the creation of a high quality, transparent, multinational system of clinical trials
by mitigating the drawbacks of the fragmented clinical trial environment and poor in-
ECRIN-ERIC European Clinical Research Infrastructure Landmark Distributed teroperability.
This European initiative connects and integrates into a single infrastructure the major
ELIXIR A distributed infrastructure for life-science information Landmark Distributed bioinformatics resources of national centres, hubs and services providers. It supports
many fields of life sciences, including research in the field of agriculture and medicine.
One of the leading European laboratories in life sciences. It has 80 independent member
EMBL European Molecular Biology Laboratory Not related to ESFRI Distributed research institutions covering the full spectrum of molecular biology from the molecule
to the organism, including the fields of system biology and bioinformatics.
Infrastructure network focusing on the examination and analysis of the properties and
European Research Infrastructure on Highly Pathogenic
ERINHA Project Distributed spreading of microscopic germs infecting animals and humans, and the public health, so-
cial and economic consequences of contagious diseases.
Provides access to a wide range of state-of-the-art technologies in biological and clinical
European Research Infrastructure for Imaging Technolo- Project
Distributed imaging. It aims to connect the specialised, geographically fragmented national hubs to
EuBI ERIC gies in Biological and Biomedical Sciences ERIC
reach all European researchers in the member states.
Every year, the ICGEB announces an open call for cooperative biotechnology research
ICGEB International Centre for Genetic Engineering and
Not related to ESFRI Distributed projects, for PhD and Postdoctoral fellowship applications, and for proposals relating to
the organisation of conferences and training courses.
Physical Sciences & Engineering
The multidisciplinary research infrastructure integrates research projects in 7 European
Central European Research Infrastructure Consortium,
countries in the fields of materials science and nanotechnology at market price. The main
CERIC-ERIC European Research Consortium Not related to ESFRI Distributed
focus of the consortium is open access (researcher exchange). Access is free of charge for
commercial and industrial research projects.
The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) is one of the most prestigious
research centres in the world. Its main mission is basic research in particle physics with an
CERN The European Organization for Nuclear Research Not related to ESFRI Single-sited
aim to better understand the properties of basic interactions and the relationships of the
universe. It designs, builds and operates complex particle accelerator equipment.