Page 17 - Roadmap
P. 17
RI short name RI name Type Brief description
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) operated by CERN is going to be upgraded to in-
CERN creased intensity between 2019 and 2026. The detectors are also being upgraded: this work
HL-LHC High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (CERN) Landmark Single-sited has already started in 2018. Of the four large detectors of LHC, Hungary participates in
(ALICE, CMS) the experiments of ALICE and CMS. The CMS (and Atlas) project contributed to the
discovery of the Higgs boson. The ALICE project recreates the primary matter through
heavy-ion collisions.
The primary mission of the ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS) research infras-
tructure in Szeged is to provide access to a wide range of ultra-short light pulses sources for var-
ELI-ERIC Extreme Light Infrastructure ERIC Landmark Distributed ious user groups of the international scientific community. Another main element in the
facility’s mission is to promote the scientific and technological developments necessary for de-
livering lasers with high peak intensity and high average performance.
The world’s leading X-ray source. A state-of-the-art equipment enabling the atomic and
nano-scale examination of matter in various fields of science: solid-state physics, medicine,
European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF)
ESRF UPGRADES Upgrades, Phase II: Extremely Brilliant Source Landmark Single-sited pharmacy, earth sciences, environmental science and archaeology. There are many syn-
chrotron sources across the world, but the ESRF is unique in terms of test beam parameters
and the number of measurement channels.
ESS is the world's first so-called long-pulse spallation neutron source. Its mission is to build
and operate a world leading facility for neutron research. The world’s highest intensity neu-
ESS-ERIC European Spallation Source ERIC Landmark tron source enables the examination of systems which has never been possible due to the
small size of the sample or the small intensity of the examined signal. The equipment gives
a great boost to domestic research in physics, chemistry and materials science.
This facility is unique in Europe and is used for ultra-short (27 thousands/sec) and very
European XFEL
bright X-ray experiments. With such parameters the facility opens up entirely new oppor-
European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility Landmark Single-sited
tunities for scientific and industrial research. Researchers can map viruses at the atomic level,
understand the molecular structure of cells, create 3D images of the nano-world , etc.
The ITER aims to demonstrate that nuclear fusion can be used on Earth for energy pur-
ITER/ poses and testing technological solutions. ITER is considered unavoidable by competent
International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor Not related to ESFRI Single-sited researchers on the way to creating a fusion energy. Fusion related research and develop-
ment is performed by EUROfusion program which integrates all member states’ research
projects in this field.
ESA is an international organization with 22 member countries, including Hungary. It is re-
ESA sponsible for the planning and implementation of Europe’s space programme. ESA programs
are - designed to collect more information about the Earth and its immediate space environment,
European Space Agency Not related to ESFRI Distributed
the Solar System and Space. It also develops satellite-based technologies and services, supports
the space industry and facilitates the on-Earth application of technologies developed in space.
Social & Cultural Innovation
CESSDA-ERIC The only virtual research infrastructures which provides a single interface to the social scien-
Consortium of European Social Science, Data Archives Landmark Distributed tific databases of all EU member states and associated members. It is essential for the access
and use of comparative social scientific databases for administrative and scientific purposes.
A research infrastructure that provides advanced digital language resources and tools– pri-
CLARIN-ERIC marily for scholars and social scientists. The CLARIN - ERIC was created by the merger of
Common Language Resources and Technology Landmark Distributed three ESFRI language technology initiatives. One of the founding parties was the Research
Institute for Linguistics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, which still plays and played
a leading role in the preparatory project as well.
ESS provides biannual comparative data about the demographic and social conditions of
European Social Survey European societies, the changes in political and public preferences of citizens, and changes
Landmark Distributed in social attitudes and action-guiding values. Data may significantly contribute to understand-
ing changes in social behaviour taking place in Europe.
SHARE is a multidisciplinary panel database of information on the health, use of the health-
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe Landmark Distributed care system, financial status and income, socio-economic background and social and family
networks of more than 30,000 individuals aged 50 or older. The aim is to build up a database
that allows for high-quality, fact-based decisions on issues related to aging.
E-RIHS The E-RIHS supports research activities aimed at the preservation, processing, documenta-
European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science Project Distributed tion and management of cultural heritage. It provides state-of-the-art equipment and services
for various research communities to better understand cultural heritage at global level. Hun-
gary has observer status.
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe E-infrastruktúra/E-infrastructure
PRACE is an international non-profit association. It comprises 24 member countries participating
Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe Landmark Distributed in the development of a super computer infrastructure. It provides world-class computing and
data resources and services for large-scale scientific and engineering research projects.
GÉANT connects national research and education networks across Europe. It provides a high-
Pan-European data network for the research and educa- bandwidth, high-capacity network with an ever-expanding service, which enables the strengthening
Not related to ESFRI Distributed
tion community of cooperation between researchers. It gives highly reliable, unlimited access to calculations, analyses,
storage, applications and other resources to ensure that Europe remains at the forefront of research.