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edge sharing and international cooperation, and fostering corporate innovation. Below we name the most important fund-
ing schemes supporting the expansion and development of Hungarian research infrastructure capacities:
• Excellence of strategic R&D centres (funded from the Structural Funds – GINOP-2.3.2-15, VEKOP-2.3.2-16)
The call aims to strengthen the R&D capacity of domestic, state-operated knowledge bases in order to facilitate high-
quality, internationally acclaimed research output and create sustainable centres of excellence
Number of funded projects: 63. Total awarded funding: HUF 68,265 million.
• Strengthening research infrastructures – internationalisation, networking (funded from the Structural Funds –
GINOP-2.3.3-15, VEKOP-2.3.3-15)
The call aims to strengthen international research cooperation through the development and network of research infras-
tructures, and to enhance and secure the international competitiveness of centres of knowledge in order to produce in-
ternationally high-rated research results.
Number of funded projects: 62. Total awarded funding: HUF 27,050 million.
• Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation – Research infrastructure development (funded from
the Structural Funds – GINOP-2.3.4-15)
The call supports such organisational forms of industry-higher education cooperation which are suitable for creating
RDI capacities that meet the needs of industrial partners, developing competitive products and services, and upgrading
production technologies that secure or improve the marketability of the relevant products at the partner companies.
Number of funded projects: 5. Total awarded funding: HUF 26,863 million.
• Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation– Research infrastructure development (funded from the
NRDI Fund – FIEK_16)
The call is open to consortia built on stable industry-university partnerships that have been operating successfully for several
years and provides funding for the development of RDI relationships in a funding scheme that ensures a long-term sustainable,
results-oriented framework for innovation activity in institutionalised cooperation, based on excellence and financial stability.
Number of funded projects: 3. Total awarded funding: HUF 7,944 million.
• National Competitiveness and Excellence Programme (funded from the NRDI Fund– NVKP_16)
The call, which was open to consortia of domestic higher education institutions, research institutions and businesses,
supports research, development and innovation activities of strategic importance for Hungary’s competitiveness, including
in particular the creation of marketable products, services or technologies with great added value in one of the following
• Sub-programme “A”: National Programme greatly improving the efficiency of curing high mortality risk diseases
• Sub-programme “B”: Materials Science and Technology National Programme;
• Sub-programme “C”: Water–Health–Food National Programme.
Number of funded projects: 26. Total awarded funding: HUF 27,984 million.
• National Excellence Programme (funded from the NRDI Fund– NKP_17 and 2018.1.2.1-NKP)
The NRDI Office facilitates the social and economic utilisation of discovery research findings by defining strategic areas
where Hungary has sufficient researcher excellence for performing the tasks, making it possible to reach the goals faster
and more efficiently. These initiatives involve research activities addressing large-scale interdisciplinary scientific and tech-
nological challenges which, due to their comprehensive nature and volume, can be implemented through long-term co-
operation between scientific, industrial and social stakeholders and decision-makers.