Page 52 - Roadmap
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                               7.4. PHYSICAL SCIENCES AND ENGINEERING

                               INDUSTRY 4.0 RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP

        Presentation of the RI group
        The research platform is an arrangement of higher education and research institutions focusing on basic and applied
        research and is aligned to the Industry 4.0 technologies, which is a fundamental pillar of the national industrial devel-
        opment goals. The main overarching activities of the platform include the theory and design of resource-efficient, robust
        production planning and management systems; robotics; the Industry 4.0 compliant innovation of the new models of
        cooperative and adaptive production and logistics networks; research supporting the methods as to the application and
        utilisation of such technologies; and the integration of the relevant knowledge into the higher education training pro-
        grammes to ensure highly qualified future professionals. Research on technologies beyond production technology (such
        as CIT and 5G communications systems) is implemented in the framework of a partner network.

        National coordinator of the RI group:                    Background information
        MTA Institute for Computer Science and Control, Research Laboratory on   The group is a network of educational and research institutions coor-
        Engineering & Management Intelligence                    dinated by MTA SZTAKI Research Laboratory on Engineering &
                                                                 Management Intelligence. Its main task is to represent Industry 4.0
        Contact: László Monostori                                objectives in Hungary and coordinate the relevant research activities.
        Email:                    The group consists of the following organised research entities:
        Website:                                   1. Industry 4.0 Centre of Excellence in Research and Innovation,
                                                                   MTA SZTAKI
        Partners: BME Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Sys-  2. Industry 4.0 Technology Centre, BME.
        tems; BME Department of Automation and Applied Informatics; BME Ve-  Taking into consideration the network of industrial and academic
        hicle Communication Research Laboratory; BME Department of   research partners located at individual sites, the two platforms en-
        Networked Systems and Services, Vehicle Communication Research Labo-  compass nearly all competencies in this field. By commission of the
        ratory; SZE Research Centre of Vehicle Industry, Győr; MTA Centre of Ex-  Ministry for National Economy, the professional coordination of
        cellence in Vehicle Technology Research (J3K), Győr.     Industry 4.0 objectives in Hungary is vested in MTA SZTAKI that
                                                                 established the country’s Industry 4.0 professional representative
        ESFRI connection: None                                   forum comprising more than 60 domestic industrial stakeholders.
                                                                 The primary, prevalent relations are those between the above two
        Status of the RI group: operating entities, with some partitions in the design   platforms. A strategic committee consisting of the heads of the plat-
        and implementation phase                                 forms is responsible for research coordination and for adopting a
                                                                 common research strategy. The coordinator takes part in numerous
                                                                 European projects (H2020) and other research cooperation rela-
                                                                 tionships aiming at the international representation of the topic.

                                                                 Aims of the RI group
                                                                 Establishment of a common organisation for the representation
                                                                 of Industry 4.0 research; coordination and harmonisation of the
                                                                 tasks of the relevant domestic research centres, and promotion of
                                                                 the objectives through common project targets and complemen-
                                                                 tary task assignment. The rationalisation of often costly infrastruc-
                                                                 tural investments and providing cooperative access to resources are
                                                                 also priorities. The primary goal of the group is to create a flagship
                                                                 domestic research base using a shared infrastructure, and to join
                                                                 Industry 4.0 innovation efforts on the international stage.

                                                                 Status of the RI group:
                                                                 The current infrastructure of the RI group relies on the existing
                                                                 research infrastructure of MTA SZTAKI developed from GINOP
                                                                 and H2020 funds. The Industry 4.0 model centre in Győr is par-
                                                                 ticularly important.

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