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                                7.5. SOCIAL AND CULTURAL INNOVATION

                                NETWORK RESEARCH INFRASTRUCTURE GROUP

        Presentation of the RI group
        Since its foundation in 1976, CESSDA has operated as an umbrella organisation for European national social science
        data banks and archives. CESSDA has be included in the ESFRI Roadmap since 2006, and received ERIC status in
        2017. The headquarters of CESSDA ERIC is in Bergen, Norway.

        CESSDA ERIC aims to build a broad, comprehensive and long-term sustainable funding system for the national and
        international participants of social sciences research.

        The task of CESSDA ERIC, as stated in its statutes, is to provide a full scale sustainable research infrastructure enabling
        the research community to conduct high-quality research in the social sciences contributing to the production of effec-
        tive solutions to the major challenges facing society today and to facilitate teaching and learning in the social sciences.

        National coordinator of the RI group:                    Background information
        Tárki Social Science Databank                            The Tárki Databank is operated by the nonprofit Tárki Founda-
                                                                 tion. Over the past three decades, they have archived more than
        Contact: Péter Hegedűs                                   800 social research databases ready for second analysis.
        Email:                            Tasks: 1. preserve national and international empirical social re-
        Website:                        search databases in a digital form; partners include research insti-
                                                                 tutes, university faculties and departments engaged in research in
        Partners: BCE Department of Sociology and Social Policy; DE Institute   the social sciences; 2. propagate the archived databases in the na-
        for Political Science and Sociology; ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences; MTA   tional and international scientific communities (researchers) and
        TK; SZTE Department of Sociology; Tarki Social Research Institute Ltd.   in educational institutions (lecturers and students); 3. stimulate
                                                                 cost-efficient research by allowing second analyses. The goal is the
        ESFRI connection: ESS-ERIC; SHARE-ERIC                   development of the social research infrastructure in Hungary and
                                                                 the support of a broader range of research communities and stake-
        Status of the RI group: implemented                      holders with databank services.

                                                                 Aim of the RI group
                                                                 The primary goal of CESSDA ERIC is to extend membership not
                                                                 only to the EU member states but also to the wider European re-
                                                                 search environment. The expansion of services provided by the or-
                                                                 ganization is also a priority.

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