Page 22 - Roadmap
P. 22
Project name Objective Amount of funding
National Excellence Support of initiatives that involve research activities addressing large- 10 billion
Programme (NKP_17) scale interdisciplinary scientific and technological challenges which,
due to their comprehensive nature and volume, can be implemented
in long-term cooperation between scientific, industrial and social
stakeholders and decision-makers.
• Sub-programme “A”: National Brain Research Programme
• Sub-programme “B”: National Quantum Technology Programme
National Excellence Support of RDI projects implemented in consortia involving exten- 5 billion
Programme sive cooperation between universities, research institutions and the
(2018.1.2.1-NKP) industry but led by universities or research institutions partly adopting
a top-down governance and coordination.
• Sub-programme “A”: ELI Related Experimental Research National
• Sub-programme “B”: Artificial Intelligence in Application National
• Sub-programme “C”: Secure Society National Programme
• Sub-programme “D”: “Clean Drinking Water“ National Programme
• Sub-programme “E”: Protein Science and Applications National
• Implementation of the ELI laser research centre (ELI-ALPS) large project, Phase 2 (funded from the Economic
Development and Innovation Operational Programme – GINOP-2.3.6-15)
The call finances the second implementation phase of ELI Attosecond Light Pulse Source (ELI-ALPS), the Hungarian
large project forming part of the distributed Extreme Large Infrastructure, ELI) proposed in the ESFRI Roadmap.
Once completed, the ELI-ALPS large project will put Hungary and - Central and Eastern Europe on the “ERA map”
and can help increase Europe’s role in the global R&D sector. The successful implementation of the project is of tremen-
dous importance for the entire Hungarian research and development ecosystem.
Number of funded projects: 1. Total awarded funding: HUF 40,052 million]
• Research infrastructure development projects funded under the H2020 framework programme
H2020 is the EU’s framework programme for research and innovation which also announces targeted calls for research
infrastructure development projects, where Hungarian research groups are successful. Many Hungarian institutions
take part in such projects and the ELI is also among the beneficiaries of H2020 funds.
Number of funded projects: 29. Total funding awarded to Hungarian partners: EUR 5.183 million (≈ HUF 1586 million)