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R&D in Hungary

"There is no development without innovation.

A competitive society is one that has an ability to adapt to new challenges, to learn and to apply knowledge. A competitive economy is characterized by risk-taking and innovation, realised through new enterprises, new investments and the creation of new, competitive products, services and processes. States should provide support for these processes with conscious, predictable and coordinated policies.

2007. november 28.
The National Office for Research and Technology (NKTH) supports several R&D projects with environmental aspects. 20-30% of funding granted under the calls published by the Office (Ányos Jedlik Programme, Ede Teller Programme, Oszkár Asbóth Programme and Péter Pázmány Programme) were provided to environmental projects.
2007. július 11.
Report of the Science and Technology Policy Advisory Board 2004
2005. június 20.

The lecture of dr. Ilona Vass, Vice President of the National Office for Research and Technology, Hungary on EU-Presidency conference Investing in Research and Innovation 12 and 13 October, Noordwijk:

2004. október 15.
2003. február 12.
© National Research, Development and Innovation Office H-1077 Bp, Kéthly Anna tér 1., Phone: (+361) 795 9500