Page 59 - Roadmap
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        Presentation of the RI group
        E-infrastructure that complies with European standards and demands, featuring a complex portfolio of services, with full
        connection to the approx. 40 European National Research and Education Network (NREN),  and indirect connection to
        an additional approx. 60 non-European national research e-infrastructures. Covers all internationally accepted functions of
        ICT-based communication and cooperation, information processing and data storage, providing all research areas with e-
        infrastructure. The e-infrastructure of KIFÜ (Government Information Technology Agency), as part of the GÉANT in-
        frastructure (European ICT infrastructure) and the PRACE infrastructure (pan-European supercomputing infrastructure),
        provides stable and full-featured connection and cooperation for accessing all research institutions and researchers in Europe,
        including all European research infrastructures (ESFRI, ERIC and others) building on the tools of multimedia information
        management, resource and service virtualisation, federal identification etc. As of 2017, the research network connects more
        than 1.7 million domestic users to international educational and research network with a speed of up to 500 Gbps. The dis-
        tributed HPC facility operated by KIFÜ offers a capacity of over 448 Tflops (8900 CPU+GPU cores) and 8 PB hard drive
        storage to researchers in the country and the region. This is completed with the C4E cloud system with more than 2600
        cores and 15 PB storage capacity available to the domestic research and education community. Without them the Hungarian
        roadmap of research infrastructures would collapse, due to the lack of online availability of the domestic and international
        infrastructure facilities and services. Research and development is supported by the HAS Cloud computing capacity launched
        in 2016 and accessible through the KIFÜ network, whose twin modules are located in the Wigner Data Centre (MTA
        Wigner FK) and the MTA SZTAKI. In the 4 MW Data Centre currently 70,000 CPU cores and 80 PB disk space support
        CERN HL-LHC research programmes (around 10,000 users) over a 300 Gbit/s direct connection. In parallel to this, the
        HAS Cloud and the Wigner Cloud established in 2015 have a combined capacity of 2500 CPU cores (5000 virtual cores)
        and 2 PB disk space. The Wigner Cloud has launched an integrated GPU programme in 2018 with 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100
        units featuring a total performance of 62 Tflops in the case of double-precision calculations and 1 Pflop in the case of tensor
        calculations. This domestic capacity is currently able to serve approximately 1000 Hungarian and regional researchers.

        National coordinator of the RI group:                    Background information
        KIFÜ (Government Information Technology Agency) in cooperation with   The foundations of the Hungarian e-infrastructure were laid down by
        the HAS (Hungarian Academy of Sciences) institutes       the IIF Programme launched in 1986-87, and later the NIIF (National
                                                                 Information Infrastructure Development) Programme. During the
        Contact: KIFÜ, Vice-Presidential Division of Infrastructure, Department   gradual development of the domestic research network and expanding
        of Research and Development                              international relations, the NIIF Institute was established in the early
        Email:                                1990s to operate and develop the NIIF Programme and the HUN-
        Website:                                 GARNET Association to represent the interests of stakeholders. The
                                                                 Institute was integrated into KIFÜ by a government decision in 2016.

        Partners: MTA Wigner FK; MTA SZTAKI                      Aim of the RI group
        Further partners: 57 research institutes; 26 universities; 5600 primary and   The mission and vision have not changed from the beginning: to pro-
        secondary schools; 580 libraries and other public collections, more than 1.7   vide an internationally competitive, stable and sustainable e-infrastruc-
        million users                                            ture to the research and education sector in Hungary. Sustainability is
                                                                 ensured by the government decree on the NIIF Programme and by the
        ESFRI connection: PRACE, HL-LHC, ELI, XFEL (through the GEANT   active participation in national and international development pro-
        and KIFÜ network)                                        grams. The strategic objectives derived from the mission and the vision
                                                                 include the development of the entire service portfolio, enhanced in-
        Status of the RI group: distributed, multi-site          stitutional and EC cooperation and participation in major interna-
                                                                 tional projects. The excellent e-infrastructure parameters will facilitate
                                                                 innovative national research and an open education that promotes cre-
                                                                 ativity. The HAS Cloud in the Wigner Data Centre, combined with
                                                                 the computing capacity of the Wigner Cloud can simultaneously serve
                                                                 nearly 1000 potential national and Central European users in the fields
                                                                 of particle physics, gravity research, artificial and intelligent materials,
                                                                 brain research, bioinformatics and computational sciences.  The capac-
                                                                 ity can also be substantially extended.

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