Page 60 - Roadmap
P. 60
Presentation of the RI group
The research platform is a higher education and research institution arrangement focusing on basic and applied research
and is aligned with 5th generation mobile communication technologies, which is a fundamental pillar of national in-
dustrial development goals. The main overarching activities of the platform include research on 5G basic technologies
and particularly their application, as well as the integration of the relevant knowledge into higher education training
programmes to ensure highly qualified future professionals. The areas of applications include autonomous vehicle tech-
nologies, robotics, IoT detection technologies and communication-intensive parts of Industry 4.0 goals. These research
activities are performed by the group in collaboration with its partners.
National coordinator of the RI group: Background information
BME Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation (BME The BME Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Coopera-
FIEK) tion (BME FIEK) comprises a research research and development
network which is primarily concerned with 5G ICT research and
Contact: Charaf Hassan the development of advanced applications based on it. The plat-
Email: form consists of the following organised research entities:
Website: 6. 5G Smart Campus. 5G Application Research Platform, BME
7. Industry 4.0 Technology Centre, BME
Partners: BME Department of Automation and Applied Informatics; BME The two research platforms cover nearly all relevant tasks. In ad-
Department of Control for Transportation and Vehicle Systems; BME Ve- dition to the two dominant platforms, the RI group also incorpo-
hicle Communication Research Laboratory; BME Department of Networ- rates further research centres active in this area and operating in
ked Systems and Services; SZE Research Centre of Vehicle Industry, Győr; collaboration with one of the two platforms. The primary, defining
HAS Centre of Excellence in Vehicle Technology Research (J3K), Győr; relations are those between the two platforms. A strategic com-
MTA SZTAKI; ELTE; SZTE; PPKE; PE, Veszprém mittee consisting of the heads of the platforms is responsible for
research coordination and for adopting a common research strat-
Status of the RI group: operating entities, with partitions under design and egy. The coordinator takes part in both European projects
implementation (H2020) and other research cooperation relationships aimed at
the international representation of the topic.
Aim of the RI group
Establishment of a common organisation for the representation
of 5G technology research; coordination and harmonisation of
the tasks of the relevant domestic research centres, and promotion
of the objectives through common project targets and comple-
mentary task assignment. The rationalisation of often costly infras-
tructural investments and ensuring cooperative access to resources
are also priorities. The primary goal of the group is to create a flag-
ship domestic research base using a shared infrastructure, and to
contribute to 5G research and development efforts on the inter-
national stage.
Status of the RI group:
The group’s current infrastructure relies on the partner institutions’
existing research infrastructures, which demands continuous de-
velopment to respond to the constantly and rapidly changing
needs of the area. The involvement of industrial partners in RI in-
vestments is a priority.