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P. 77
Wigner DC – Wigner Data Centre
HAS Wigner Research Centre for Physics
Project code: Project description:
ED_12-1-2012-0003 Wigner Datacenter (WDC) is the most advanced, leading IT research infrastructure
in both Hungary and Central Europe. It was constructed in 2013 within the bound-
Project leader institution: aries of MTA Wigner Research Centre for Physics, in Csillebérc, Budapest.
HAS Wigner Research Centre Currently the main purpose of WDC is to provide the technical background for pro-
for Physics cessing and storing data coming from the CERN accelerator, pursuing its research
programmes in the field of particle physics, with special emphasis on the experiments
Project leader: of ESFRI Landmark High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) programme (ALICE,
Gábor Pető ATLAS, CMS, LHCb). The computers set up in WDC, part of CERN’s TIER-0
site, are being used by more than 10,000 users.
Project leader’s contacts: Building on the experience gained by providing these services for CERN, WDC staff launched the (Wigner) WDC Cloud after careful planning in 2015, followed by the
(Academic) MTA Cloud created in collaboration with MTA SZTAKI, one year later.
Amount of funding: (Part of the MTA Cloud is run by MTA SZTAKI). These Academic Clouds are capable
HUF 8,500,000,000 of supporting and fulfilling the IT related needs of domestic and regional research at an
international standard, such as the National Brain Research Programme, National Quan-
RI type: Single-site tum Technology Programme, ELI, VIRGO, and other CERN and H2020 projects.
The MTA and WDC Clouds operating in WDC support more than 1,000 thousand
Website: potential users from the fields of particle physics, gravity research, artificial and in- telligent materials, neuroscience, bioinformatics, medical research, social sciences,
and computational sciences.
Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
The Wigner Datacenter has been housing – during the past 5 years – an ever growing
number of computers purchased by CERN. Currently 80,000 CPU cores (corre-
sponding to 140,000 virtual cores) and 80 PB of disk space supports the research ex-
periments of HL-LHC.
The MTA Cloud and the WDC Cloud, run in WDC, have a combined capacity of
2,500 CPU cores (5,000 virtual cores) and 2 PB of disk space, along with a 1.6 PB
tape drive in support of both Hungarian and other researchers from the region. In
2018 the integrated GPU service has been launched. The 8 NVIDIA Tesla V100
units have a total combined performance of 62 Teraflop for double-precision calcu-
lations and 1 Petaflop for tensor calculations.
There is also a CERN TIER-2 station operating in the Wigner Research Centre for
Physics, Research Institute for Particle and Nuclear Physics (MTA Wigner FK RMI)
with 1,000 CPU cores (2,000 virtual cores, total power: approx. 15,000 HS06) and
1 PB storage capacity, and a GPU Laboratory (0.1 Petaflop) as an educational and
research centre. HL-LHC data collection activities are also supported by the RMI
DAQ Data Collection Development Laboratories and the RMI Innovative Detec-
tors Laboratory.