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              Materials science and experimental development of high-resistance concrete products

       Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Construction Materials and Technologies

       Project code:                    Project description:
       NVKP_16-1-2016-0019              The primary goal of the project is to develop experimentally concrete compositions
                                        and create concrete products that are more resistant than conventional concrete to
       Project leader institution:      1) aggressive chemical environments (pH <5); 2) high temperature (fire, internal fire
       Budapest University of Technol-  or facade fire); and 3) frost. These expectations require different materials science ap-
       ogy and Economics, Department    proaches.
       of Construction Materials and
       Technologies                     The test method comprises of first thoroughly understanding the deterioration pro-
                                        cesses triggered by physical-chemical-biological effects and then developing experi-
       Project leader:                  mentally how to slow down or prevent deterioration.
       György Balázs L.
                                        Concrete is a multi-component material system whose behaviour (strength, durabil-
       Project leader’s contacts:       ity and other properties) is largely determined by the properties of its components.                Nevertheless, our studies also focus on a wide range of concretes, admixtures (silica
                                        powder, metakaoline, slag, fly ash) and mixed concrete containing them.
       Project partners:
       ÉMI Nonprofit Kft.; MC-Bauche-   Resistance to aggressive chemical environments, high temperatures or freeze-thaw
       mie Építőanyagipari és Kereske-  cycles in winter requires different material composition, structure and technology.
       delmi Kft.; CRH Magyarország     The results of the planned tasks are absolutely necessary for ensuring proper resistance
       Kft.; SW Umwelttechnik Magyar-   against the above-described effects. The experimental concrete compositions are
       ország Építőelemgyár Kft.        tested both in structural elements and prototypes. Studying the performance of com-
                                        plex systems (reinforced /  prestressed concrete structural elements) is also indispens-
       Amount of funding:               able because of the effect of size.
       HUF 573,362,862
                                        In the framework of the project, the development of the research infrastructure pro-
       Website:                         ject is performed by the Budapest University of Technology and Economics as con-         sortium leader, and ÉMI Nonprofit Kft, SW Umwellttechnik Hungary Ltd., CRH
       toanyagok-es-magasepites-tan-    Hungary Ltd. as well as MC-Bauchemie Hungary consortium members.
                                        Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
                                        The test equipment for destructive and non-destructive testing of materials; material
                                        structure diagnostics; extreme loads effects (fire, frost, acids); application of SEM,
                                        CT to engineering tasks.

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