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P. 72


                Nano-characterization laboratory for the development of new advanced materials

                          Instruments Centre, Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd University

       Project code:                    Project description:
       VEKOP-2.3.3.-15-2016-0003        Changes in the microstructure of structural materials during use have a decisive im-
                                        pact on their usability. So, it is essential to have a thorough understanding of mi-
       Project leader institution:      crostructures for the development of new advanced materials and for the
       Faculty of Science, Eötvös Loránd   determination of their life cycle. The ELTE TTK microstructure research laboratory
       University                       features three devices that can determine microstructure at three different scales
                                        (atomic, nano and micro).
       Project leader:
       István Groma                     The largest device is unique in Hungary: the FEI Quanta 3D scanning electron mi-
                                        croscope has a high-resolution dual beam (SEM/FIB) apparatus. Dual beam means
       Project leader’s contacts:       that it has both electron and ion sources. Both beams are suitable for capturing mi-              croscopic images but the ion beam makes it possible to manipulate the surface of the
                                        sample material at nanoscale. The equipment has several detectors: Secondary elec-
       Amount of funding:               trons have the smallest energy resulting ~1 nm resolution. Backscattered electrons
       HUF 155,595,855                  have somewhat higher energy, so they provide information from deeper levels at a
                                        resolution of ~2 to 4 nm. The energy of X-ray photons reveal information on their
       RI type: Single-site             source atom. Therefore, by measuring the energy of the collected X-ray photons, we
                                        can analyze the chemical composition of the sample at a certain point or along its
       Website:                         surface. The equipment can also operate in transmission mode (STEM) and it is ca-               pable to measure electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) image allowing to deter-
                                        mine the local crystalline orientation.

                                        The  atomic level structure of surfaces can be imaged by the newly acquired Integrated
                                        Scanning Tools for HORIBA Advanced Nano-Technology SmartSPM SPMTM-
                                        1000, which works in non-contact AFM, contact AFM, Kelvin probe force mi-
                                        croscopy, Piezo response force microscopy, STM, magnetic force microscopy and
                                        shear force microscopy modes and it is suitable for nanolithography.

                                        The  RIGAKU SmartLab X-ray diffractometer purchased in the same project is
                                        equipped with a highly advanced detector and control unit. It enables traditional
                                        powder diffraction measurements for determining the phases present in the sample,
                                        as well as the determination of texture by inserting a moving/rotating table. It also
                                        makes possible to perform X-ray line profile measurements for the direct determi-
                                        nation of several microstructure parameters (particle size, dislocation density etc.).

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