Page 74 - Roadmap
P. 74
Construction of the MTA Atomki Heritage Science Laboratory
HAS Institute for Nuclear Research
Project code: Project description:
GINOP_23315_2016_00029 “Heritage science” is a relatively new term for the complex research on our cultural
and natural heritage, including treatment, conservation, interpretation and docu-
Project leader institution: mentation. In addition to archaeology, museology, art history, anthropology and
HAS Institute for Nuclear Rese- palaeontology this field is increasingly dominated by analytical methods, including
arch especially the almost non-destructive, physical procedures and their development.
The institution has several decades of traditions in this field, similarly to radiocarbon
Project leader: dating. Heritage science is a dynamically developing area. The ESFRI Roadmap took
Zita Szikszai up the European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science (E-RIHS) initiative
in March 2016, which unites high-quality European analytical equipment, labora-
Project leader’s contacts: tories and museums to create a unique pan-European research infrastructure for re- search in heritage science. In the preparatory phase Hungary is represented by the
E-RIHS consortium (MTA Atomki; MTA Wigner FK; MTA EK, Hungarian Na-
Project partners: tional Museum).
MTA Wigner FK; MTA EK; Presently, material testing in the institution mainly uses accelerator based ion-beam
Hungarian National Museum techniques to determine the elements in the examined materials and their distribu-
tion. With the new analytical-imaging devices purchased in the framework of the
Amount of funding: GINOP programme, a world-class, complex instrument park will be created which
HUF 421,866,241 enables more complex examinations in a wide range of scales. The new graphitising
unit purchased for accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) enables even more repro-
RI type: Single-site ducible dating which can be extended to the examination of cremation burials with
carbon exploration. The planned introduction of the stable isotope analysis of bones
Website: represents the latest trends in modern research, opening up the way to the examina-; tion of past eating habits.
Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
Accelerator and analytical beam ends around it, X-ray spectrometry (micro-XRF),
3D digital microscope, electron microscope which does not require high vacuum
with additional analytical possibilities (e.g. Raman), AMS C-14, graphitiser, element
analyser, infrared and UV spectroscopy, ICP-MS.