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ELEXIS – European Lexicographic Infrastructure
HAS Research Institute for Linguistics
Project code: Project description:
H2020-EU., No 731015 The ELEXIS project was launched in 2018 with the participation of 17 European
institutions. Hungary is represented by the MTA Research Institute for Linguistics.
Project leader institution: The project primarily aims to integrate, expand and harmonise national and regional
HAS Research Institute for Lin- works relating to modern and historical lexicography. The goal is to establish a sus-
guistics tainable infrastructure which, on the one hand, provides effective access to lexical
data in the digital age, and on the other hand, compensates for the differences be-
Project leader: tween research communities with varying lexicographical resources.
Tamás Váradi Furthermore, it is also a priority for ELEXIS to give a major boost to the culture of
open access in lexicography, in line with the European Commission’s recommenda-
Project leader’s contacts: tion.
The MTA Research Institute for Linguistics primarily contributes to the project by
Amount of funding: providing lexicographic data and knowledge and digital linguistic background.
EUR 130,895
Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
RI type: network distributed The ELEXIS electronic lexicographic infrastructure is a network infrastructure cur-
rently shared by EU member states, and aims to become the standard cross-linguistic
Website: distributed infrastructure of lexicographic data. Its goal is to achieve the fullest pos- sible interoperability between the dictionaries of the participating member states.
The infrastructure also relies on the hardware and software infrastructure of leading
lexicographic centres, including especially Sketchengine, a corpus handling and dic-
tionary editing framework program.