Page 63 - Roadmap
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Integrated, smart technologies – synergy programme: Focus on the energy and pharmaceutical industry – Establishment
of an innovative technologies and services centre (laboratory network) in the fields of ICT, energy and pharmacy.
BME Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation
Project code: Project description:
FIEK_16-1-2016-0007 The consortium aims to put the coordination of university-industry research on a
new footing, facilitate the practical application of research results, develop a partial
Project leader institution: or full private funding model for research, approximate university education to in-
Budapest University dustry needs, and foster the further training of business professionals. Digitisation
of Technology and Economics has enabled the development of new products, services and technologies in the energy
and pharmaceutical industry which will also use the new information technologies
Project leader: (IT) to be developed by the consortium.
László Kollár The programme boosts the competitiveness of interrelated scientific fields by creating
a digital ecosystem through info-communication technology (ICT), which has be-
Project leader’s contacts: come a horizontal sector in the economy. Thanks to the crosscutting and energizing potential of ICT, research results that already address industrial needs are quickly
taken up by the relevant fields. The sound operation, control and sustainability of
Project partners: sub-programmes are secured by the application of common ICT principles and
Siemens Zrt.; Richter Gedeon methods, thus providing a common platform.
Nyrt.; Nokia Solutions and Net- The consortium intends to make the successful collaboration model available to other
works Kft.; Magyar Villamos businesses in the future.
Művek Zrt The BME Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation represents a new
mindset at universities: it will organise research and development as a commercially
Amount of funding: profitable activity. The participation of partner companies in the management of the
HUF 3,959,244,693 centre and the resulting best practices can substantially contribute to the approxima-
tion of the attitudes of higher education and the private sector.
Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
Network of laboratories (infrastructure) to be established in the project: Pharmatech
Model Laboratory (complex continuing pharmaceutical technology), Modular Hy-
brid Drives Laboratory (comprehensive examination of all components of the electric
vehicle drives – engine, generator, converters, battery and combinations thereof –
and of the entire system), Smart Power Laboratory (real-time laboratory development
and testing of the energy management of a largely renewable reliant electricity sys-
tem), Micro CHP Laboratory (exploitation of the energy potential of connected en-
ergy production) and IoT Test Network and (5G Ready) Laboratory.