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P. 64
International territorial water management and climate adaptation instruments centre
University of Debrecen, Institute of Water and Environmental Management
Project code: Project description:
GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-0028 The International River Basin Management and Climate Adaptation Centre will be
launched in 2019 at the Water and Environmental Management Institute, University of
Project leader institution: Debrecen. The Centre will be a state of the art research facilities in Hungary and Central
University of Debrecen, Faculty Europe in the agricultural water management discipline. The climate adaptation solutions
of Agricultural and Food Sciences to be developed here will bring significant breakthrough in addressing drought, inland wa-
and Environmental Management ters and urban hydrology. The complex infrastructure is a unique system with two inter-
connected parts: hydrological measurement house and the controlled greenhouse research.
Project leader: The “agricultural” campus of the University of Debrecen is an ideal place for training, re-
János Tamás search and professional consulting. The hydrological measuring house contains a prepara-
tion room, instruments test sites and hydrological engineering measurement room as well.
Project leader’s contacts: Instruments installed here include: watershed monitoring devices; field drainage plannig equipments; devices gauging geophysical and hydrological properties of soil; hydrological
and hydraulic model tools; special research equipment of agricultural water management
Amount of funding: and irrigation technology; erosion control and land reclamation laboratory equipments;
HUF 712,009,545 irrigation water quality protection devices and equipments for data-processing. The IT net-
work will support the computerized data processing, water management planning and de-
Website: cision-making, the data collection system of the entire unit, and the data aquisition by ground water monitoring wells in the TransTisza monitoring areas. The irrigation technol-
ogy, soil and water quality protection instruments, the related control units and the soil-
plant systems used for holistic measurement purposes and characterising hydrological
parameters are placed in the greenhouse. The power demand of the greenhouse and the
local equipments will be met by a suistanable solar energy power system.
Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
Infrastructure components to be procured in the framework of the project: experi-
mental and demonstration tools; soil, water, weather and plant water balance gauges;
groundwater monitoring system; dual polarized high-resolution precipitation ground
radar; precision irrigation technology research infrastructure.
The unique infrastructure further enhances the multidisciplinary educational and
research role of the University of Debrecen in the transboundary river basin of the
Tisza River. The infrastructure enlargement implemented in the project will connect
the institution’s researcher bases with the domestic and international research net-
work in the fields of agriculture, water management and environmental sciences. It
generates projects in several areas of integrated river basin management, so it is related
to drought and inland water management, water quality protection, and indirectly
to hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and urban hydrology.