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         Development of innovative photo-oxidation water treatment technology for removing organic
                               micropollutants from biologically purified wastewater

                       ELTE TTK, Cooperative Research Centre For Environmental Sciences

       Project code:                    Project description:
       NKVP_16-1-2016-0045              Established in 2004, the ELTE TTK Cooperative Research Centre For Environmen-
                                        tal Sciences employs biologists, chemists, physicists and earth scientists to work on
       Project leader institution:      task-oriented research projects using the infrastructures of individual departments
       ELTE TTK, Cooperative Re-        for their research activity. In the project entitled “Development of innovative photo-
       search Centre For Environmental   oxidation water treatment technology for removing organic micropollutants from
       Sciences                         biologically purified wastewater” (NKVP_16-1-2016-0045, EUR 528,279,556),
                                        ELTE partnered with the MTA TTK Photochemistry Research Group, the VUV-
       Project leader:                  UV radiation source developer Light Tech Ltd and the prototype container manu-
       Gyula Záray                      facturer Inwatech Kft. The project aims at developing LC-MS/MS methods for the
                                        determination of the concentration of organic micropollutants (e.g. pharmaceutical
       Project leader’s contacts:       residues), necessary for the continued control of technological development, as well      as at developing a highly effective photo-oxidation procedure for the treatment of
                                        biologically purified wastewater using a combination of ozone and UV radiation.
       Project partners:                The project will result in a containerised water purifier suitable for the post-treatment
       Inwatech Környezetvédelmi Kft.;   of and effective removal of organic micropollutants from purified wastewater dis-
       LightTech Lámpatechnológiai      charged from water treatment plants of small villages into smaller recipient water
       Kft.; MTA TTK                    bodies (streams). The solution also has the potential to be later used for the decon-
                                        tamination and further purification of drinking water.
       Amount of funding:
       HUF 528,279,556                  Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
                                        • Inductively coupled plasma ion source high-res mass spectrometer for the simulta-
       Website:                          neous elemental analysis of inorganic constituents     • Analyser suitable for the determination of the total organic and inorganic carbon
       2016-0045                         content
                                        • Microwave-assisted exploratory equipment for the examination of suspended solids
                                        • High pressure ultra-high performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-
                                         of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC/Q-TOF-MS) for the identification and
                                         quantitative determination of organic micropollutants of biological purified
                                         wastewaters and for the identification of degradation products generated during

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