Page 67 - Roadmap
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           Bioanalytical instrument set for the molecular and cellular examination of candidate drugs

                                     University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine

       Project code:                    Project description:
       GINOP-2.3.3.-15-2016-0020        • Research groups at the University of Debrecen, Faculty of Medicine (DE ÁOK)
                                         do basic and applied research on cellular processes governing various diseases with
       Project leader institution:       the aim to provide up-to-date, useful knowledge to medical students who will be
       University of Debrecen, Faculty   able to readily use it in practice to improve medical treatments and patients’ quality
       of Medicine                       of living. One of the priority R&D directions in the University of Debrecen focuses
                                         on a wide range of proteins, particularly on their role in diseases and on their po-
       Project leader:                   tential therapeutic use. The DE ÁOK has been operating high-quality core facilities
       József Tőzsér                     organized into a network for more than a decade, providing access for both internal
                                         and external research groups to the instruments, methodology and technical backg-
       Project leader’s contacts:        round that are essential for high quality research and competitive knowledge.             • The instruments procured in this project aim to extend the instrument park of the
                                         Proteomics Core Facility (PCF, professional leader: József Tőzsér), the HTS Core
       Amount of funding:                Facility (HTCF, person in charge of instruments: Tamás Bíró), the Biomolecular
       HUF 883,937,823                   Interaction Core Facility (BICF, headed by Ferenc Erdődi) and the Molecular Cel-
                                         lular Analytics Core Facility (MCACF, persons in charge of instruments: László
       RI type: Distributed              Csernoch and György Panyi) with instruments suitable for protein analytics and
                                         the examination of protein-ligand interactions.
       Website:  • Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:    • Transcend II TLX-1 Turboflow and Thermo Orbitrap Fusion Tribrid high-reso-
                                         lution and high-precision LC-MS mass spectrometer with attachable nanoHPLC
                                         and software with Computing server configuration
                                        • Microscopic/electrophysiology system: LSM 880 microscope/electrophysiology
                                        • Envision multiplate reader two detector dual emission system
                                        • NanoTemper’s innovative microscale thermophoresis products for protein-protein
                                         interaction research: Monolith NT.115Blue-Red, Monolith NT.LabelFree

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