Page 68 - Roadmap
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                       Establishment of a molecular biomarker research and service centre

        Eötvös Loránd University, Centre for Higher Education and Industrial Cooperation in Biotechnology

       Project code:                    Project description:
       FIEK_16-1-2016-0005              Modern, personalized therapies are essentially built on molecular diagnostics, that
                                        is, on the analysis of so-called molecular biomarkers. Molecular biomarkers are used
       Project leader institution:      to identify the best treatment for certain diseases or the monitoring of the efficacy
       Eötvös Loránd University         and safety of the treatment. Such analysis requires very extensive scientific knowledge
                                        which is provided at a high level and capacity by Lágymányos Campus, ELTE and
       Project leader:                  MTA TTK. The consortium created by ELTE, MTA TTK, Servier Research Insti-
       Imre Kacskovics                  tute CCLS and CRU Hungary Ltd launched its program with the long-term goal
                                        to lead domestic molecular biomarker research and to provide services in this area
       Project leader’s contacts:       for the clinical and pharmaceutical industry, the national healthcare system and cit-      izens.

       Project partners:                12 research groups were established for the implementation of the research pro-
       MTA TTK; CRU Kft.; Servier       gramme, 7 of which work at ELTE TTK and 5 at MTA TTK in collaboration with
       Kutatóintézet Zrt.               CRU and Servier researchers and experts. One of the pillars of the project is to es-
                                        tablish an accredited molecular biomarker laboratory and to purchase the research
       Amount of funding:               and diagnostic laboratory equipment needed for the implementation. The laboratory
       HUF 2,558,627,617                will be located in a new building in the South Block of the ELTE Lágymányos Cam-
       RI type: Single-site
                                        Major R&D instruments of the research groups and the molecular biology and im-
       Website:                         munobiology laboratory
                                        Fluoro ELISA Plate Reader, Plate shaker, flow cytofluorometry (HTS), PCR devices,
                                        IVD gradient PCR machine, Veriti dx 96-well Thermal Cycler, fluorometer (Qubit
                                        starter KIT), DNA and RNA preparation device, Agilent Bioanalyzer, high perfor-
                                        mance chromatographic system, sterile laminar boxes, CO2  incubators, centrifuges,
                                        inverted and fluorescence microscopes, freezers etc. The operation of the FIEK is
                                        supported by a bioinformatics research group with an effectively managed, large data
                                        storage capacity server (100 TB)  that enables intensive bioinformatics data analysis
                                        by many researchers (72 CPU cores, 768 GB RAM), with high-speed (10 G) net-
                                        work and UPS.

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