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                                                Tandetron Laboratory

                                                     MTA Atomki

       Project code:                    Project description:
       GINOP-2.3.3-15-2016-00005        The infrastructure development funding programme of the Hungarian Academy of
                                        Sciences made it possible for MTA Atomki to purchase and in May 2014 to install
       Project leader institution:      the Tandetron particle accelerator, manufactured by High Voltage Engineering Eu-
       MTA Atomki                       ropa BV, a Dutch company. In January 2015, we installed the duoplasmatron ion
                                        source which generates negative hydrogen ions, the injector magnet, and a simple,
       Project leader:                  temporary switching magnet. According to its operation principle, the Tandetron
       György Gyürky                    accelerator generates high-energy positive ion beam (in the present case a proton
                                        beam) from negative ions. The simple initial arrangement immediately allowed the
       Project leader’s contacts:       implementation of two research beam lines: an external beam setup (allowing to             bring the beam out of the vacuum) and an end station for nuclear astrophysics. The
                                        first scientific result achieved with the latter setup was presented on a poster at the
       Amount of funding:               EuNPC2015 conference in Groningen, the Netherlands, and was awarded the Best
       HUF 941,251,475                  Poster Prize. In the meantime, a professional switching magnet was also purchased
                                        which enables the connection of 9 beam lines. This system is significantly extended
       RI type: Single-site             in the framework of the “Creation of a world class research environment in the new
                                        Tandetron Laboratory of MTA Atomki” project.
       Website:      Technical description/parameters of the research infrastructure:
                                        The newly purchased Multicusp ion source and a 90 degree deflection (analyzing)
                                        magnet will significantly enhance the capabilities of the accelerator which will thus
                                        reach its final form. The dual Multicusp ion source will be suitable for the production
                                        of hydrogen and helium ions. The cesium sputtering ion source will enable the gen-
                                        eration of negative ions of large mass numbers. The 90-degree analyzing magnet will
                                        be placed on the high energy side of the Tandetron. The switching magnet will be
                                        installed from its current (temporary) place to the output of the analyzing magnet.
                                        The tested nanoprobe will also be moved to a new place: to the right side 10 degree
                                        output of the switching magnet. Later, the microprobe will also be moved over here
                                        from the old Van de Graaff accelerator, resulting in a much better ion beam quality
                                        (in terms of stability, beam size etc.). The new analytical end station will be placed
                                        on another output of the switching magnet. The project will enable the development
                                        of additional beam lines for present and future internal and external users.

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