Page 70 - Roadmap
P. 70
Martonvásár Agri-Innovation Centre
HAS Centre for Agricultural Research
Project leader institution: Project description:
HAS Centre for Agricultural Re- The establishment of a multidisciplinary horizontal research centre that fully exploits
search the synergies between existing research competencies has been a long-felt need in
Hungarian agricultural research. Benefitting from a state-of-the-art laboratory in-
Project leader: frastructure, this critical mass of researchers enables internationally outstanding sci-
Ottó Veisz entific performance and innovations that can be directly taken up by the domestic
agricultural sector.
Project leader’s contacts: The establishment of such a centre is in progress in Martonvásár. The researchers of
the planned Agri-Innovation Centre (AIC) are provided by the scientific staff of the
Development funding: Agricultural Research Centre established in 2012, representing more than 200 pro-
Prime Minister’s Office, NKFIH, fessionals from the Agricultural Institute (MGI), Plant Protection Institute (NÖVI)
MTA, NGM, ERFA and the Institute for Soil Sciences and Agricultural Chemistry (TAKI). The AIC
will operate in the framework of a new research block where NÖVI and TAKI will
RI type: Single-site be located. Due to the multidisciplinarity of the three interdependent disciplines lo-
cated in the campus (soil science, plant protection, plant breeding / agricultural en-
Website: gineering) the joint work will provide better answers for the problems of agricultural stakeholders. The significantly improving research infrastructure, especially the mod-
ern instrument platforms (see below) represent a major scientific attraction and their
uniqueness will facilitate participation in national and international cooperation pro-
jects. The phenotyping platform enables more efficient and quicker plant feeding and
breeding research, resulting in a substantial increase in RDI potential. All instrument
platforms have been selected in view of the current scientific trends to ensure that
the highly valuable assets will preserve their value for a long time. The platforms are
primarily dedicated to research tasks but unused machine time can be sold to indus-
trial and public administration partners, thus contributing to the maintenance of the
Technical description/parameters of the planned research infrastructure:
General laboratory infrastructure accompanied with the following unique platforms:
phenotyping platform, genomics and proteomics research platform, metabolic plat-
form (GC/MS/TOF, LC/MS/TOF), imaging platform, field lysimeter and climate
manipulating system.