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Legal remedy
13 April 2018
Modified: 31 May 2018
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Pursuant to the Government Decree 368/2011 (XII. 31.) on the execution of the Act on Public Finance, objections may be filed to the NRDI Office to seek legal remedy. In the case of public funding from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund through competitions, applicants or beneficiaries are entitled to file an objection if the application procedure, the adoption of the funding decision, the conclusion the funding agreement or the disbursement or reclamation of the funding is unlawful or breaches the provisions of the call or the funding agreement. Requests for legal remedy, in the form of an objection, can also be raised about RDI policy opinions issued by the NRDI Office.

Objections can be filed only in writing, within the time limits set in the decision for notices, or in the absence thereof, within 10 days from becoming aware of the objected action or omission. If the objection deadline is failed for reasons beyond control, a request of justified acceptance may be submitted.     

Objections must include:

  • identification data of the objector applicant or beneficiary;
  • identification data of the proposal or funding agreement affected by the objection;
  • accurate description of the objected action or omission;
  • facts supporting the objection; and
  • exact reference to the legislative or call provision breached by the objected action or omission.

Objections will be assessed by the NRDI Office, Unit for Customer Relations and Objection Handling within 30 days of submission. This assessment deadline may be extended on one occasion, by further 30 days, at own discretion and without reasoning.

No further objections may be filed, or other legal remedies be sought, against the decision made in the matter of the objection.

Submission of objections in person is accepted at the NRDI Office Customer Services (1077 Budapest, GreenPoint office building, Kéthly Anna tér 1. 2nd floor), in opening hours only as published on the website. Objections submitted via mail must be forwarded to the mailing address of the NRDI Office (1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.). 

Objections may also be forwarded by e-mail to beforehand, however the assessment period will start only at the date of submission either in person or via mail.

Updated: 31 May 2018
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