A decision has been adopted on providing domestic funding to projects implemented in the framework of international science and technology (S&T) cooperation calls.
The University Research Scholarship Programme (EKÖP) and, as part of it, the Cooperative Doctoral Programme (EKÖP-KDP) aim to contribute to the growth of the next generation of researchers and creative artists in Hungary by supporting individual excellence and to help doctoral students to achieve their goals who are working on research and development projects that promise concrete practical applications in a university-business cooperation.
The Research Grant Hungary call for proposals, managed by the NRDI Office and launched on 23 May 2024 by the Ministry of Culture and Innovation aims primarily to encourage excellent researchers at their most dynamic creative stage, who are at the forefront of international science and who, as leading researchers in their field, contribute to Hungary’s emergence as a research, development and innovation hub of the region by implementing promising research projects. The programme further seeks to attract to Hungary researchers from the leading international scientific communities working in the industries related to the focus area innovation projects.
Managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), the National Research Excellence Programme announced on 14 May 2024 aims to strengthen researcher creativity and excellence by supporting the implementation of promising research projects initiated by researchers, which are expected to produce outstanding scientific results on a global scale, thus increasing the recognition of Hungarian researchers and research results. The key objective of the international cooperation sub-programmes (ANN_24, SNN_24) is to encourage the cooperation between Hungarian research groups and foreign collaborative partners, thus strengthening the international embeddedness of Hungarian science.
Managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), the National Research Excellence Programme announced on 14 May 2024 aims to strengthen researcher creativity and excellence by supporting the implementation of promising research projects initiated by researchers, which are expected to produce outstanding scientific results on a global scale, thus increasing the recognition of Hungarian researchers and research results. The key objective of the international cooperation sub-programmes (ANN_24, SNN_24) is to encourage the cooperation between Hungarian research groups and foreign collaborative partners, thus strengthening the international embeddedness of Hungarian science.
The aim of this call for proposals is to support the participation of the Hungarian entrepreneurial sector, in particular innovative SMEs, in the EUROSTARS - European Partnership on Innovative SMEs, which promotes international RDI cooperation.
The aim of the Call financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund is to provide the national contribution for Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals for European Partnerships co-funded by the EU Horizon Europe research and innovation framework programme and in which the NRDI Office is involved.
The aim of the Call, is to enable Hungarian applicants to participate in the Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership calls managed by the KDT Joint Undertaking under the European Union’s Horizon Europe programme through the provision of domestic funding.
The aim of the Call is to provide a predictable source of funding for promoting innovation in the Hungarian economy, facilitate marketable R&D projects, enable the utilisation of domestic and foreign research results and foster the development of the innovation infrastructure and related services.
Managed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), the ADVANCED sub-programme under the National Research Excellence Programme, announced on 14 May 2024, aims to provide funding to experienced, talented researchers who have their independent research team, are internationally recognised experts in their field of research and wish to further advance their successful basic research topic and explore new aspects of it.
The main objective of the STARTING sub-programme of the National Research Excellence Programme, announced on 14 May 2024 under the management of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office), is to provide funding for postdoctoral researchers to start their independent research careers and to strengthen research creativity and excellence.
For the priority call 2024-1.3.1-AK_INNOV, 2 applications were received until 12 November 2024, with funding request of HUF 2.5 billion in total. Applications for funding were evaluated by external expert reviewers, then the Innovation Board and the President of the NRDI Office made a proposal to the Funder to fund 2 projects worth HUF 2.5 billion.
The aim of the Call financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund is to provide the national contribution to Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international ERA-NET COFUND, European Joint Programme COFUND (EJP COFUND) and co-funded by the EU under its H2020 framework programme for research and innovation, in collaboration with the NRDI Office, as well as in the joint international calls for proposals of other multilateral programmes following the operational mechanisms of these programmes.
The aim of this call is to support Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme, which promotes international R&D cooperation between businesses, especially small and medium-sized enterprise.
The aim of the Call is to provide a predictable source of funding for promoting innovation in the Hungarian economy, facilitate marketable R&D projects, enable the utilisation of domestic and foreign research results and foster the development of the innovation infrastructure and related services.
Aim of the call for proposals supporting activities for the protection of intellectual property rights in Hungary and/or internationally.
A decision has been adopted on providing domestic funding to projects implemented in the framework of international science and technology (S&T) cooperation calls.
The aim of the call is to support activities for the protection of intellectual property rights in Hungary and/or internationally.
The funding decision has been adopted of the call “SME Focal Area Innovation Programme" and the call 2024-1.1.1-KKV_FÓKUSZ.