The adoption of RDI policy opinions (2014-2020 period)
The NRDI Office, which is responsible for coordinating the use of EU RDI funds in line with Hungary’s RDI policy, strives to create a strategically sound innovation environment that promotes socio-political objectives, creates value and efficiently boosts long-term competitiveness. To enforce the above objectives in a system of competitive calls and to facilitate the compliant, practicable, coordinated and transparent use of RDI funds, in the framework of calls falling within the scope of the agreement concluded with the Managing Authority of the Economic Development and Innovation Operational Programme (EDIOP or GINOP) and the Competitive Central-Hungary Operational Programme (CCHOP or VEKOP), applicants have to obtain the endorsing RDI policy opinion of the NRDI Office for the submission of their project proposals. The requirement to obtain an endorsing RDI policy opinion is set in the call for proposals announced by the Managing Authority.
Publication date: 20 July 2018