You are here: For the applicantsInnovation EcosystemTerritorial Innovation Platforms
Territorial Innovation Platforms
24 April 2020
Modified: 03 December 2024
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
The future performance and competitiveness of the new Hungarian innovation ecosystem largely depend on increased local cooperation between stakeholders, such as policy-makers, higher education and research institutions, businesses and professional organisations.

With policy support provided by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office) created new hubs under the Territorial Innovation Platform (TIP) that adopt a new approach to facilitate

  • information flow
  • knowledge transfer
  • collaboration and
  • national and international networking.

TIPs are territorial partnerships that offer an opportunity, at once both in time and space, for directly accessing information about innovation policy directions and for enabling and strengthening cooperation between the local and international stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem and, through this, contribute to transforming the Hungarian economy into a competitive and sustainable knowledge economy.

The Territorial Innovation Platforms contribute to one of the key endeavours of the government aiming to enhance Hungary’s competitiveness in international innovation. In this process, the intensification of research, development and innovation activities, as well as the effectiveness of and the efficient use of funds by RDI activities play a pivotal role. The above goals are supported by Prof. Dr. László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Technology, as patron.

The TIP charter document was signed by numerous universities in Budapest and rural Hungary and five national professional organisations, including the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, the Hungarian Association for Innovation, Bay Zoltán Alkalmazott Kutatási Közhasznú Nonprofit Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság, The National Union of Students in Hungary, ICT Association of Hungary and the local stakeholders of the innovation ecosystem have also joined the initiative.

In order to further improve the Territorial Innovation Platforms and to boost the dynamism of their activities, the management of the network was taken over by the Hungarian Innovation Agency from October 2024. This change in the Technical Coordinator does not affect the current functioning of the network, but we kindly ask you to send your questions, suggestions, and programme proposals, if any, to

Through the Territorial Innovation Platforms such partnerships relying on university knowledge bases are created that focus on the main strengths of the dominant actors of the territorial innovation environment. The Platforms are also important elements of the intelligent specialisation strategy making the involvement of the widest possible range of stakeholders of businesses, universities, research institutes and the society in the planning process a key task. TIPs operate locally, under the coordination of the Hungarian Innovation Agency, primarily in the framework of thematic, professional events and workshops.

Through the initiative, the platform members

  • will be actively involved in setting up the innovation programmes across the country and can acquaint themselves with the latest RDI policy directions,
  • will be able to use the funds in more efficient ways,
  • will be informed of the current national and international innovation calls and funds,
  • will have direct access to the RDI capacities and services of the universities.

To join the TIPs please, read the information and fill out and return the declaration of accession form available under the Established Territorial Innovation Platforms menu.

Joining the Territorial Innovation Platform is free of charges.

All micro-, small and medium-sized enterprises, corporations, research institutions, startups, clusters, incubators, accelerators, chambers other legal entities are welcome to join.

Should you have any questions, please send it to the Hungarian Innovation Agency:

Updated: 03 December 2024
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