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Laws and regulations
15 November 2017
Modified: 05 March 2024
Reading time: 11 minute(s)

  • Act LXXVI of 2014 on scientific research, development and innovation
  • Act XLIII of 2010 on the central state administrative organs and on the legal status of Government members and state secretaries
  • Act CXCV of 2011 on Public Finances
  • Acts on the Central Budget of Hungary
  • Act CXLIII of 2015 on Public Procurement
  • Act CXXV of 2018 on the Governmental Administration
  • Act I of 2012 on the Labour Code
  • Act CLXVI of 2010 on the Host Agreement between the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the Government of the Republic of Hungary
  • Act XXVII of 1998 on Biotechnology Activities
  • Act LXXIII of 2016 on Diplomatic Missions and Permanent Foreign Service

  • Government Regulation no. 182/2022 (V.24.) on the Duties and Powers of Government Members
  • Government Regulation no. 181/2007. (VII.6.) on the Accreditation of Research Organisations Hosting Third-Country National Researchers and on the Hosting Agreement
  • Government Regulation no. 368/2011. (XII. 31.) on the Implementation of the Act on Public Finances
  • Government Regulation no. 4/2013. (I. 11.) on the Accounting of Public Finances
  • Government Regulation no. 370/2011. (XII. 31.) on the Internal Control System and Internal Audits of Budgetary Organisations
  • Government Regulation no. 335/2005. (XII.29.) on the Common Provisions of Document Management in Bodies of Public Administration
  • Government Regulation no. 433/2016. (XII. 15.) on the Detailed Rules of Evaluation of the research and development and innovation programs and projects funded by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Government Regulation no. 272/2014. (XI. 5.) on the Rules of the Use of Funds from Certain European Union Funds in the 2014-2020 Programming Period
  • Government Regulation no. 380/2014. (XII. 31.) on the Rules of Operation and Utilisation of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Government Regulation no. 326/2012. (XI. 16.) on the Implementation Rules of the EEA Financing Mechanism and Norwegian Financing Mechanism for the 2009-2014 Period
  • Government Regulation no. 236/2011. (XI. 15.) on the Promulgation of the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 between the Republic of Hungary and the Kingdom of Norway
  • Government Regulation no. 35/2010. (II. 26.) on the Promulgation of the Convention concerning the Construction and Operation of a European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser Facility by and between the Governments of the Republic of Hungary, the Kingdom of Denmark, the French Republic, the Federal Republic of Germany, the Hellenic Republic, the Republic of Italy, the Republic of Poland, the Russian Federation, the Slovak Republic, the Kingdom of Spain, the Kingdom of Sweden, the Swiss Confederation, and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
  • Government Regulation no. 84/2016. (IV. 13.) on the Promulgation of the Agreement on the Amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding on the Implementation of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism 2009-2014 between the Republic of Hungary and the Kingdom of Norway, executed on 12 October 2011, amended through an exchange of letters
  • Government Regulation no. 1627/2019. (XI. 8.) on the Adoption of the 2019-2030 Strategy to Strengthen Hungarian Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
  • Government Resolution no. 1760/2017. (X. 31.) on the Amended Program Strategy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund for year 2017, and the Withdrawal of certain relating Government Resolutions 
  • Government Resolution no. 1352/2022. (VII. 21.) on the Rules of Procedure of the Government
  • Government Resolution no. 1414/2013. (VII. 4.) on the Adoption of the National Research and Development and Innovation Strategy (2013-2020)
  • Instruction no. 2/2015. (I. 16.) of the Minister of Prime Minister’s Office on the Bye-laws of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Government Resolution no. 1942/2015. (XII. 15.) on the Settlement of Certain Personnel Matters Related to the Auditing, Ranking and Evaluation of Public Support
  • Government resolution 1962/2017. (XII. 19.) endorsing the Programme strategy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund for year 2018
  • Government Resolution no. 1777/2016. (XII. 15.) on the Measures Related to the Appointment of the Organisation Exercising the Entirety of the Owner’s Rights and Obligations Vested in the State over ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
  • Regulation no. 50/2016. (XII. 6.) of the Ministry of National Development on the Appointment of the Organisation Exercising the Entirety of the Owner’s Rights and Obligations Vested in the State over ELI-HU Kutatási és Fejlesztési Nonprofit Közhasznú Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság
  • Order 8/2023 (IX. 5.) of the Minister for Innovation and Technology on the Organisational and Operational Regulations of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Order no. 2/2022. (XII. 23.) of the Ministry of Culture and Innovation (KIM) on the Management and Use of the Appropriations Managed within the State Budget Chapter XXXV. on the National Research, Development and Innovation Office, and the State Budget Chapter LXII. on the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 10/2015. (VII. 28.) of the NRDIO on the Public Procurement and Purchasing Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 12/2015. (VIII. 31.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Use of the Expenditure Appropriations of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 21/2015. (XI. 24.) of the NRDIO on the Communications Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 6/2016. (IV. 7.) of the NRDIO on the Valuation Policy of the Assets and Liabilities of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 8/2016. (IV. 25.) of the NRDIO on the Valuation Policy of Assets and Liabilities
  • Instruction no. 9/2017. (VI. 22.) of the NRDIO on the Amendment to Instruction no. 5/2017. (III. 3.) of the NRDIO on the Management and Use of the Appropriations Managed within a Chapter of the Budget of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 1/2018. (II. 23.) of the NRDIO on the Amendment of Instruction no. 12/2017. (XII. 13.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Concluding and Recording Contracts of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 2/2018. (III. 5.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Utilisation of the Expenditure Appropriations for Year 2018 of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 5/2018. (V. 4.) of the NRDIO on the Amendment to Instruction no. 13/2017. (XII. 13.) of the NRDIO on the Management and Use of the Appropriations Managed within a Chapter of the Budget of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 10/2018. (XII. 21.) of the NRDIO on the Specific Document Management Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 11/2018. (XII. 28.) of the NRDIO on the Management and Use of the Appropriations Managed within a Chapter of the Budget of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 2/2019. (V. 10.) of the NRDIO on the Cash Management Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 2/2020 (I. 24.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Concluding and Recording Contracts of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 3/2020. (II. 28.) of the NRDIO on the Public Procurement and Purchasing Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 4/2020. (III. 31.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Temporary Foreign and Domestic Postings Other Travels Made out of the Budget of the NRDI Office
  • Instruction no. 5/2020. (IV. 24.) of the NRDIO on the Accounting Document Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 6/2020. (VI. 15.) of the NRDIO on the Privacy Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 7/2020. (V. 22.) of the NRDIO on the Physical Stock Count and Inventory Checking Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 8/2020. (VII. 2.) of the NRDIO on the Policy on the Financial Management of Appropriations Managed within a Chapter of the Budget of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 9/2020. (VII. 31.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Utilisation and Scrapping of Redundant Assets
  • Instruction no. 10/2020. (VIII. 14.) of the NRDIO on the Policy on the Physical Stock Count and Inventory Checking of Assets and Liabilities
  • Instruction no. 11/2020. (VIII. 14.) of the NRDIO on the Financial Management Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 12/2020. (X. 21.) of the NRDIO on the Use of Motor-Vehicles
  • Instruction no. 1/2021 (I. 28.) of the NRDIO on the Cash Management Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 1/2023. (I. 31.) of the NRDIO on the Specific Document Management Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 4/2023. (V. 19.) of the NRDIO on the Policy on the Financial Management of Appropriations Managed within a Chapter of the Budget of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 6/2023. (V. 19.) of the NRDIO on the Valuation Policy of Assets and Liabilities
  • Instruction no. 7/2023. (V. 19.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Temporary Foreign and Domestic Postings Other Travels Made out of the Budget of the NRDI Office
  • Instruction no. 8/2023. (V. 19.) of the NRDIO on the Use of Motor-Vehicles
  • Instruction no. 11/2023. (XI. 23.) of the NRDIO on the Privacy Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 1/2024 (I. 11.) of the NRDIO on the Public Service Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 2/2024. (I. 11.) of the NRDIO on the Public Procurement of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 3/2024 (I. 11.) of the NRDIO on the Rules of Concluding and Recording Contracts of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 4/2024. (I. 11.) of the NRDIO on the Communications Policy of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
National Legislation Repository
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  • Instruction no. 18/2015 of the President on the Rules of Procedure of Forming Research, Development and Innovation Policy Opinions of the NRDI Office 
  • Instruction no. 19/2015 of the President on the Equal Opportunities Plan of the NRDI Office
  • Instruction no. 7/2019 of the President on the Rules of Procedures of Innovation Calls for Proposals and Funding Disbursed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 8/2019 of the President on the Rules of Procedure of Customer Relations of the NRDI Office
  • Instruction no. 9/2019 of the President on the Number and Remuneration of Bodies and Experts Involved in the Assessment of Funding Disbursed by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 10/2019 of the President on the Management of Documents and Data in the Procedure of Forming Research, Development and Innovation Policy Opinions, in Conformity with the Principles of Freedom of Information and Fair Procedure
  • Instruction no. 11/2019 of the President on the Management of Documents and Data in the Research, Development and Innovation Calls for Proposals financed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund, in Conformity with the Principles of Freedom of Information and Fair Procedure
  • Instruction no. 13/2019 of the President on the Rules of Procedures of R&D Calls for Proposals and Funding Disbursed from the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund
  • Instruction no. 3/2020 of the President on the Rules of Procedure of Objection Handling of the NRDI Office
  • Instruction no. 4/2022 of the President on the Equal Opportunities Plan of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
  • Instruction no. 3/2023 of the President on the Rules of Rocedure of Copymaking within the National Research, Development and Innovation Office
Updated: 05 March 2024
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