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Hungarian participation in the EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme
03 June 2018
Modified: 03 June 2018
Reading time: 4 minute(s)

The Horizon 2020 programme (H2020) is the research and innovation framework programme of the European Union with a budget of more than 80 billion euro, meaning direct funding from Brussels to be applied for and awarded in strong international competition. Projects selected for funding under the Horizon 2020 programme are communicated on the webpage of the European Commission. Based on the E-Corda database, the NRDI Office regularly (i.e. 3-4 times a year) depicts the landscape of Hungarian participation within the Horizon 2020 framework programme and the success rate of Hungarian participants. The analysis compiled of the official H2020 participant data gives an overview on focus areas of funded Hungarian projects, and tells about the performance of Hungarian participants in an international comparison (the data source includes data on all projects proposed for funding, including the ones not yet contracted).

Summary based on E-Corda data as of 22 November 2017


Number of funded participations and amount of funding in EU-15 and EU-13 countries


The above chart presents the success figures of the EU Member States within the Horizon 2020 framework programme, showing the number of funded participations along with the amount of funding awarded so far in the ”old member countries” (EU-15) and those ascended the EU in 2004 or later (EU-13), since the programme was launched in 2014. As current data of the E-Corda database clearly shows, among our regional competitors only the Czech Republic and Poland performed better than Hungary in winning H2020 sources.

Further charts below show success rates of participants by Member States, details compared to the total funding request of all submitted project proposals and the number of submitted proposals/participations.


Proportion of funded proposals to the number of submitted proposals in EU28


Proportion of funded participations to the number of submitted participations


Number of funded participations and amount of funding in Hungary – according to types of participant institutions


The above chart shows the distribution of funded Hungarian participations and their total amount of funding split by types of participating organisations. Within the number of funded participations, businesses i.e. for-profit private enterprises and higher education institutions are outstanding, but research organisations, mainly research centres of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS), also perform well. More than 90% of the awarded funding are won by businesses, higher education and research organisations. 


Thematic objectives of Hungarian H2020 projects 


The above chart presents thematic areas of funded Hungarian H2020 projects as split by the pillars of the framework programme. ”Societal Challenges” is the pillar in which the share of pre-allocated funds is the highest, so Hungarian participants, similarly to the most of EU Member States, tend to win most of the funding in these areas. Hungarian participants are particularly successful in the areas of Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, but funding won in Transport, Health and Energy are also significant.

Within the pillar of ”Excellent Science” most of the awarded funding is won by entries to the European Research Council (ERC) calls.

Within the pillar of ”Industrial Leadership”, similarly to many other EU countries, Hungarian participants outstand in the area of Information and communication technologies (ICT).

Funds won within the ”Spreading Excellence and Widening Participation” pillar should also be mentioned, since Hungary hit records in the region of awarded funding in this area.

Updated: 03 June 2018
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