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Title of the call/Code
Submission deadline
Funds available per project
Funding requests submitted
Project duration
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation (2024-1.2.5-TÉT)
12 July 2024
HUF 4-6 M
Number of submitted applications:
HU-RIZONT international research excellence cooperation programme (2024-1.2.3-HU-RIZONT)
05 July 2024
HUF 100-400 M
Number of submitted applications:
24-36 months
Support for participation in the Horizon Europe Key Digital Technologies (KDT) partnership (2024-1.2.4-KDT)
05 July 2024
Number of submitted applications:
max. 48 months
Call for ADVANCED research projects (ADVANCED_24)
19 June 2024
HUF 120 M
Number of submitted applications:
max. 4 years
Call for STARTING research projects (STARTING_24)
19 June 2024
HUF 100 M
Number of submitted applications:
max. 4 years
Call for research projects based on Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovenian cooperation (ANN_24, SNN_24)
17 June 2024
ANN: HUF 56 M, SNN: HUF 42 M
Number of submitted applications:
ANN: max. 4 years, SNN: max. 3 years
Science Patronage Programme (MEC_24)
28 May 2024
HUF 0,25M - 35M
Number of submitted applications:
max. 12 months
Fast Track (2023-1.1.2-GYORSÍTÓSÁV)
04 April 2024
HUF 100 - 300 M
Number of submitted applications:
36 months
Support for Innovation Projects in Focus Areas (2023-1.1.1-PIACI_FÓKUSZ)
26 January 2024
HUF 400-800 M
Funding requests submitted:
HUF 123 388 M
Number of submitted applications:
24-36 months
National technology and intellectual property, venture capital programme (GINOP-8.1.3/A-16)
31 December 2023
HUF 9-500 Mn
Number of submitted applications:
2-7 years
Smart specialisation, venture capital programme (VEKOP-2.1.2-17)
21 December 2023
HUF 200-1500 Mn
Number of submitted applications:
2-7 years
Call for project proposals implemented in bilateral science and technology (S&T) cooperation (2023-1.2.4-TÉT)
30 November 2023
Number of submitted applications:
max. 24 months
Horizon Europe SESAR (Single European Sky Air Traffic Management) (HORIZON-SESAR-2023-DES-ER-02)
15 November 2023
Number of submitted applications:
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in the joint international calls for proposals of European Partnerships in Horizon Europe (2023-1.2.2-HE_PARTNERSÉG)
10 November 2023
Number of submitted applications:
max 36 months
10 November 2023
HUF 150-900 M
Number of submitted applications:
24-42 months
Call for proposals to support Hungarian organisations successfully participating in joint international calls for proposals of ERA-NET COFUND, EJP COFUND and other multilateral programmes (2023-1.2.1-ERA-NET)
27 October 2023
Number of submitted applications:
max. 36 months
EUROSTARS: Support for Hungarian participation in the European Partnership on Innovative SMEs (2022-1.2.7-EUROSTARS)
16 October 2023
HUF 204,4 M
Number of submitted applications:
max. 36 months
Support for Hungarian participation in the EUREKA programme (2022-1.2.4-EUREKA)
16 October 2023
HUF 20-70 M
Number of submitted applications:
max. 36 months
EIG CONCERT-Japan – 10th joint call for proposals (EIGJAPAN_JC2023)
01 August 2023
Number of submitted applications:
max. 36 months
Cooperative Doctoral Programme for Doctoral Scholarships (KDP-2023)
31 July 2023
HUF 400 000 month/person
Number of submitted applications:
24, 31, 36, 43 months
results found.
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Submission deadline
12 July 2024
Project duration
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
05 July 2024
Project duration
24-36 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
05 July 2024
Project duration
max. 48 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
19 June 2024
Project duration
max. 4 years
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
19 June 2024
Project duration
max. 4 years
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
17 June 2024
Project duration
ANN: max. 4 years, SNN: max. 3 years
Number of submitted applications:
Title of the call/Code
Submission deadline
28 May 2024
Project duration
max. 12 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
04 April 2024
Project duration
36 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
26 January 2024
Project duration
24-36 months
Funding requests submitted:
HUF 123 388 M
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
31 December 2023
Project duration
2-7 years
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
21 December 2023
Project duration
2-7 years
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
30 November 2023
Project duration
max. 24 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
15 November 2023
Project duration
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
10 November 2023
Project duration
24-42 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
16 October 2023
Project duration
max. 36 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
16 October 2023
Project duration
max. 36 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
01 August 2023
Project duration
max. 36 months
Number of submitted applications:
Submission deadline
31 July 2023
Project duration
24, 31, 36, 43 months
Number of submitted applications: