You are here: For the applicantsCustomer ServicesUsing the electronic administration service
General information for customers using the electronic administration service
24 February 2022
Modified: 24 February 2022
Reading time: 15 minute(s)
  1. Ways to contact us when using e-administration
  2. The secure contact address of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (hereinafter: NRDI Office) is the following pursuant to Act CCXXII of 2015 on the general rules on electronic administration and trust services (hereinafter: e-Administration Act):

    Name: NIH (National Innovation Office)
    KRID: 321328158

  3. Email addresses for customer services
  4. The Office’s customer service:
    NRDI Fund:
    Complaints handling:

  5. Electronic procedures to be launched by filling out forms
  6. Open calls for proposals,d7fd54d7-c646-4e15-89c1-e529d25cc2ec

    Request for a policy opinion on research, development and innovation from the NRDI Office,b7b40635-4f07-4cc9-8b12-f7dd3a1984d5

    Submitting a complaint to the application procedure

    Application for accreditation of research organisations hosting third-country national researchers, sending a hosting agreement,f259d070-54e6-4c37-85c5-4f3db01d9d10

    Submitting requests for access to data of public interest,bac0ca61-390b-413d-8478-d9e74dd53073

    To make complaints, public interest notices, integrity and corruption risk reports.,1fe9c3b8-8bee-476b-8201-0f0797347bd4

  7. Issues that can be handled using the e-paper service
  8. Customers may make submissions by e-paper in the following cases:


    Type of case

    Accreditation of research organisations, hosting agreements Application for accreditation of research organisations hosting third-country national researchers, sending a hosting agreement
    Remedies Submitting objections to a research, development and innovation policy opinion
    Complaints / public interest notices Complaints, public interest notices
    Proposals Submission of final reports on NRDI Office’s basic research grants and requests for funding other than applications to calls
    Remedies Submission of documents for innovation funding managed by the NRDI Office
    Calls for proposals Submission of objections to budget support granted by the NRDI Office through calls for proposals (innovation)
    Remedies Submission of objections to budget support granted by the NRDI Office through calls for proposals (research and development)
    Data request Request for data of public interest

  9. How and when to start a case electronically
  10. Electronic administration by filling out forms is available on the NRDI Office website, while electronic administration using the e-Paper site is also available on the so-called Personal Administration Interface.

    1. Procedure for launching electronic administration by a natural person client
    2. In order to use the e-administration services, you need to register for a Client Gate, details of which can be found at

      Any natural person may register at the Client Gate in person at the registration body or electronically, provided that they have a valid identity card issued after 1 January 2016. To register, you will need to enter a unique user name and e-mail address of your choice, as you will receive a one-time access code for your first login.

      You can use the e-administration services with the user name and password you have received here.

      Natural persons can only be obliged by law to use e-administration.

      The NRDI Office has a legal presumption that the electronic administration services used are used by authorised persons.

    3. Procedure for launching electronic administration by a business entity client
    4. Business entities acting as clients and the legal representatives of such clients are obliged to contact the NRDI Office, as the body obliged to provide electronic administration services, through the company gateway as the official contact point.
      By law, the official contact details that may be provided are those that

      1. are cleyarl identifiable contact details of the relevant business entity only,
      2. are suitable for unambiguous electronic identification of the time of sending and receiving, as well as the person receiving the data,
      3. guarantees that the document is received intact,
      4. handles cases of unsuccessful delivery,
      5. can be used to confirm delivery.

      The person authorised to represent the company can request the inclusion of his data in the client settings register upon registration at the company gateway. For more information about registering at the company gateway, please visit this page:

  11. Exclusion of the possibility of electronic administration
  12. Electronic administration is not an option in procedural acts where the law or a government decree adopted under original legislative power requires the personal appearance of the client or the submission of certain documents that cannot be submitted otherwise.

    A law or a government decree adopted under original legislative powers may limit the possibility of electronic administration only to the extent that the personal presence of the client or the submission of documents that cannot be submitted in any other way is indispensable for the procedure.

    Electronic administration is not an option for a procedural act where this is not meaningful.

    Electronic administration shall not be used for any procedure or procedural act where this is excluded by an international treaty or a directly applicable binding act of the European Union of general application.

    No document, deed or other submission containing classified information may be filed electronically.

  13. Information on the possibility of using the Client Settings Register
  14. The Client Settings Register keeps a record of the provisions of persons regarding e-administration and makes it available to those entitled to access it. The aim of the service is to enable citizens and organisations to make provisions, in particular regarding identification and contact methods and the use of other electronic services.

    Only natural persons over 18 years of age may make administrative provisions.
    You can make provisions in the Client Settings Register on the following website after registering an account at the Client Gate:

  15. Information on electronic signatures
  16. Electronically submitted forms and their attachments must be electronically authenticated.
    An electronic document is authentic if:

    1. it is a private document with full probative value and, if required by law, is time-stamped,
    2. it has been signed or stamped at least with the advanced electronic signature or seal of the electronic administration body of the declarant or issuer, or of the person authorised to sign on its behalf, and, where provided for by law, with a time stamp,
    3. it has been placed in the Document Validity Register,
    4. it has been authenticated by the signatory or authorised signatory using the identification-based document authentication service,
    5. in the case of use exclusively in the closed information technology system of the body providing the electronic administration service, recorded in the body’s closed information technology system, or
    6. it has been certified in any other manner specified by law.

    Submissions and attachments that can be submitted via are automatically signed and authenticated before submission, so there is nothing extra for the client to do.

    For the authentication of other submissions, it is recommended to use Identification-based Document Authentication (AVDH). The submission and annexes are automatically authenticated before submission.

    Clients can use identification-based document authentication on the following website, after registering and logging in to the Client Gate:

  17. Information on delivery by electronic means
  18. The secure delivery address of a natural person is the Client Gate storage (KAÜ storage), and items received here will be notified to them by e-mail. For items sent to a secure delivery address, delivery has the same legal effect as postal delivery.
    Natural persons are entitled to provide official contact details in their administrative provisions.
    Mail delivered to an official contact address is considered as delivered

    1. if the service provider providing the official contact details confirms receipt of the mail by the client at the time indicated in the confirmation,
    2. if the service provider providing the official contact confirms that the recipient has refused to accept the consignment, at the time indicated in the confirmation of refusal, or
    3. if the service provider providing the official contact confirms that the mail has not been received despite two notifications, on the fifth working day following the date of the second notification indicated in the confirmation.

    If the natural person does not provide an official contact address, the NRDI Office may, if not excluded by the client in the client’s administrative provision, attempt to deliver the mail to the client’s known electronic contact address. In this case, after a second unsuccessful attempt, the NRDI Office must make other arrangements for the service of the document or notification. For contact details that do not constitute official contact details, proof of delivery may be given as provided by law, but there is no presumption of service.

    If the client has indicated in his declaration to the NRDI Office his e-mail address, telephone number for receiving short text messages or other contact details suitable for electronic communication, and has not made any other administrative provision, the NRDI Office is entitled to contact the client for information purposes at these contact details. If the client also has an official contact address, the NRDI Office shall contact the client primarily through the official contact address and shall use the contact address referred to in this paragraph solely for the purpose of notifying or informing the client.

  19. The client’s rights and obligations in the electronic procedure
    1. Electronic identification obligation
    2. Clients are entitled to e-administration without electronic identification if the performance of a given procedural or administrative act or the making of a declaration does not require the provision of any personal identification data in the case of non-electronic administration.

      In the case of non-electronic administration, where the law so provides, a procedural act or declaration that may be performed by the personal appearance of the client may be performed by the client in the context of electronic administration if the client identifies himself by means of electronic identification that can be traced back to a previous personal identification requiring his personal appearance and in which his identity can be clearly clarified.

      A client may perform an administrative act or make a declaration in the context of electronic administration if he identifies himself by means of an electronic identification that can be traced back to a personal identification that he has previously performed and that ensures that his name is available to the NRDI Office and that the additional data required for identification are available to the electronic identification service provider.

    3. Obligation to verify identifiers and data
    4. With the exception of the data necessary for the identification of the client, the NRDI Office may not ask the client to certify any data that has been published pursuant to its obligation under the Act on the Right to Information Self-Determination and Freedom of Information or that must be included in a publicly certified register established by law.

      If, in a case where electronic administration is not excluded, the law requires the client to submit the original of a paper document, deed or other submission in order to prove a fact or data, the client shall fulfil this obligation by submitting a certified electronic copy of the submission in the case of electronic administration, unless otherwise expressly provided by law or by a government decree adopted under original legislative authority. If there is doubt as to the authenticity of the original of the submission on which the certified electronic copy is based, the client shall be required to produce the original of the submission upon a reasoned request from the NRDI Office.

      If the law provides for the submission of more than one copy of a submission, the client is only required to submit one electronic submission in the case of electronic administration, unless otherwise expressly provided by law or by a government decree adopted under original legislative authority.

    5. The client’s right to make provisions
    6. When making administrative provision, Clients may make declarations concerning the following topics at the body designated by Government Decree:

      1. choosing electronic or non-electronic means of communication,
      2. choosing electronic identification,
      3. choosing the means of communication, including statements made by the client, according to which the NRDI Office is obliged to consider a message sent by the client via the IT system specified by the client as a statement by the client,
      4. the need to encrypt electronic documents,
      5. declarations on rights of representation.

      Please note that, according to the law, a power of attorney can also be granted in the Client Settings Register.

      If the law requires a declaration made under a right to make provisions to be made in writing or be drafted in a private document having full probative value, the declaration made in the administration provision fulfils this requirement.

      The declaration in the Client Settings Register is valid against all providers of electronic administration, unless the client provides otherwise in the administration provision itself or if the client uses electronic administration without electronic identification.

      A law or a government decree adopted under original legislative powers may provide that, in a pending case, the NRDI Office shall not take into account a new administrative provision or amendment to a provision entered in the Client Settings Register after the case has been opened unless the client notifies the NRDI Office of the new administrative provision or amendment.

    7. The right to electronic information
    8. The client is entitled to request and receive from the NRDI Office information necessary for electronic administration.

      At the client’s request, the NRDI Office shall, unless otherwise specified in the client’s request, transmit, for information purposes, free of charge, in electronic form and by electronic means, a non-certified copy of any document in electronic form available to the NRDI Office which may be issued to the client, to the electronic contact address provided by the client and available to the NRDI Office.

    9. Electronic payment
    10. Unless otherwise provided by law or by a government decree adopted under original legislative authority, the client, being a business entity, shall pay administrative fee of HUF 3000 electronically to the Procedure Fee Collection Account number 10032000-01012107 held with Hungarian State Treasury for cases initiated at the NRDI Office for the accreditation of research organisations, hosting third-country national researchers.

  20. Information on the processing of the client’s personal data
  21. The Data Controller: National Research, Development and Innovation Office (NRDI Office)
    Registered office: 1077 Budapest, Kéthly Anna tér 1.
    Mailing address: 1438 Budapest Pf. 438.
    Tax number: 15831000-1-42
    Account number at the Treasury: 10032000-00334820-00000000
    Central telephone number: (+36-1) 795 9500
    Central emails:,

    In all data processing related to the activities of the NRDI Office, the Office will endeavour to ensure that the processing of data complies with the requirements set out in this Privacy Notice, its internal rules and applicable law.

    Name and contact details of the Data Protection Officer:
    The NRDI Office’s Data Protection Officer: Dr Gyula Fonyó
    telephone: +36 20 932 9144

    For more information on data processing, please visit the following page

  22. Information on the technical provision of electronic administration
    1. Expected level of security
    2. The NRDI Office provides the following information on the level of security required for electronic communication in accordance with Section 18(8) of the e-Administration Act:
      The NRDI Office may not require a higher level of security than that set out in this notice.

    3. Procedure for a planned outage
    4. In the event of a planned outage, the NRDI Office will publish information before the outage and on its website.

    5. Procedure for unplanned breakdowns
    6. In the event of an unplanned outage or an event causing limited functionality of the e-administration, the NRDI Office will publish information on its website immediately after the outage.

    7. Procedure to be followed by clients in the event of a breakdown or malfunction
    8. In the event of an outage or breakdown that prevents the electronic filing of the submission for more than one business day, both the natural person and the business entity client are entitled to file such submission and its annexes on paper in accordance with the traditional procedure.
      Pursuant to law, in the event of an interruption of electronic administration for more than one business day, the NRDI Office is obliged to ensure the receipt and processing of client submissions by means that do not require electronic means, even if the relevant legislation provides for the possibility of exclusively electronic administration in the given type of procedure.
      This shall apply mutatis mutandis where the client has been prevented from completing the procedural step within the time limit by a planned technical activity or malfunction affecting the use of the regulated electronic administration service or the central electronic administration service which he has used.

Updated: 24 February 2022
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