You are here: For the applicantsFunding schemesCalls to foster RDI
Calls to foster RDI
Programme Strategy 2024
The NRDI Fund’s 2024 Programme Strategy proposes a total budget of HUF 176.263 billion for the launch and management of calls for proposals, of which HUF 147 billion is for new calls to be launched in 2024.
Calls of the NRDI Fund
A coherent portfolio of competitive calls was implemented by the NRDI Office to facilitate the regulated, predictable and purpose-oriented use of the National Research, Development and Innovation Fund (NRDI Fund).
RDI development objectives
The RDI calls encourage the implementation of ambitious and promising RDI project plans and programmes, the alignment of applicants’ objectives with institutional strategic development directions, and the preparation of sound budget plans for the effective and sustainable use of RDI resources.
Structure of the NRDI Fund
In 2020, the NRDI Fund was split into two sub-funds, and in 2022, the National Laboratories Sub-fund was also included.
Archived calls
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