There were presentations during the consultation about the science and technology policy of Hungary and of Japan, about the present cooperation and the future possibilities and about the ongoing joint projects’ statuses. Three successful Hungarian – Japanese projects were shown as well during the meeting.
The Hungarian delegation was led by Dr. Ildikó Kovács (National Innovation Office, Head of the Department of International Affairs); the Japanese delegation was led by Kazuo Watanabe Ambassador for Science and Technology Cooperation (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan).
The parties greeted each other and accepted the agenda on the first day of the biannual governmental S&T-policy meeting. Dr. Antal Nikodémus held a presentation about the Hungarian science and technology policy and about the upcoming changes in the strategy of Hungary’s international S&T cooperation. Then Katsuhisa Sagasika outlined the fulfilled and the planned governmental S&T actions. After the introductory presentations Dr. Ildikó Kovács held her presentation about the tasks of the National Innovation Office related to Hungary’s EU membership and the EUREKA presidency and also about the network of the Hungarian S&T attachés. There were more presentations from both sides about the prioritized fields of science (physical chemistry of polymers, airplane industry and technology, smart materials, ICT and biochemistry).
The delegation leaders signed the protocol of the S&T consultation at the end of the first day. Within this protocol the parties proclaimed their commitment to the development of the Hungarian – Japanese science and technology cooperation. There are 23 ongoing joint Hungarian – Japanese research projects. The Japanese party expressed that they are open to review the present practice by considering the possibility of the joint projects’ bilateral funding.
The Japanese delegation visited the Computer and Automation Research Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics on the second day.
The members of the Hugnarian delegation:
- Dr. Antal Nikodémus head of department, Department for Innovation, Ministry for National Economy;
- Dr. Miklós Győr, head of unit, Unit for International Relations, National Innovation Office;
- István Mányi, ex-consul, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Dóra Ázsia Zombori, associate, Ministry of Foreign Affairs;
- Dr. Miklós Zrínyi, professor, Semmelweis University;
- Dr. József Rátkay, director, Research Institute for Animal Breeding and Nutrition;
- Dr. Gábor Magyar, docent, Department of Telecommunications and Media Informatics of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
The members of the Japanese delegation:
- Katsuhisa Sagisaka, head of division, International Science and Technology Affairs Division, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT);
- Midori Miyata, S&T associate, MEXT;
- Miho Yoshii, associate, Central and South Eastern Europe Division, European Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreing Affairs;
- Dr. Hiroshi Harada, director, Environment and Energy Materials Division, National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS);
- Dr. Michinari Yuyama, Principal Engineer, High-Performance Alloys Group, Environment and Energy Material Division/High Temperature Materials Unit, NIMS;
- Masahiko Fujimoto, executive director, Research Promotion Department, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology;
- Yuki Moriyama and Sumitaka Shirakabe, second secretaries, Embassy of Japan in Budapest.