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2nd meeting of the High Level Group of the Scientific Advice Mechanism
2nd meeting of the High Level Group of the Scientific Advice Mechanism
09 May 2016
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 1 minute(s)
On 16 and 17 March, the High Level Group (HLG) of Scientific Advisors met for the second time in Brussels, with Carlos Moedas (Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation) and Commissioner Navracsics (Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport) and with the presidents of five European Networks of Academies (Euro-CASE, EASAC, ALLEA, FEAM, Academia Europaea).

The HLG is moving out of its launch phase, and progress is being made on the first two topics on which the HLG has been asked for advice: "Closing the gap between light duty vehicle real-drive CO2 emissions and laboratory testing" and "Cybersecurity", as well as on the identification of additional topics to be addressed by SAM.

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Updated: 14 December 2017
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