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Call for Proposals of the Helmholtz Association - Helmholtz European Partnering
Call for Proposals of the Helmholtz Association - Helmholtz European Partnering
09 January 2018
Modified: 10 January 2018
Reading time: 2 minute(s)

International research cooperation is an important pillar of the Helmholtz Association’s strategy, with a special emphasis on European collaboration. The ‘Helmholtz European Partnering’ program targets cooperation projects with partners from Central, Eastern and Southern European countries.

The goal of the funding program is two-fold: Joint research projects should be at the core of the cooperation. These can comprise, e.g., mobility programs for scientific staff, joint events and joint publications. Especially talented young academics should profit from the cooperation. A second, complimentary goal of the program is the contribution of the Helmholtz Center to the development and advancement of the partner institution’s (research) strategy, management structures and/or infrastructures. Knowledge exchange and dissemination are realized through, e.g., reciprocal visits of management and administrative staff, training events, and joint participation in management teams and advisory boards.

Eligible for funding are:

  • Joint research projects;
  • Joint set-up of infrastructures;
  • Exchange programs of PhDs, Post-Docs and administrative staff as well as all costs related to the stay and advanced training of guest researchers;
  • Measures and events which benefit the development of the project, e.g. joint workshops, strategy meetings, conferences, publications, databases etc.;
  • Material expenses.

 There will be three calls for proposals for the Helmholtz European Partnering program (2017, 2018, 2019). Per call up to three initiatives can be funded in total. The project duration should be three years. Following a successful evaluation, an additional period of two years may be funded. The maximum amount of funding that can be requested from the Initiative and Networking Fund is 250.000 € per year. It is expected that the Helmholtz Center matches the requested amount on equal level. It is appreciated if the international partner institution can also provide matching; however, also in-kind contributions are possible. This should also be the basis for the joint acquisition of third-party funding, e.g. EU funding.

This call for proposals addresses researchers from all Helmholtz Centers who intend to initiate or intensify cooperation with a partner institution from one of the European countries listed above. This cooperation shall be both of scientific and strategic importance. Ideally, the collaboration is based on already existing interactions. Participation of additional Helmholtz Centers and universities is possible. This call for proposals is open to all Helmholtz research areas.

The proposals must be submitted electronically by 28 February 2018.

For more information:

Updated: 10 January 2018
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