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Flemish-Hungarian Project Generating Scientific Workshop
Flemish-Hungarian Project Generating Scientific Workshop
02 July 2014
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
In accordance with the previously signed “Cooperation Program for the years 2013- 2014 between the Government of Hungary and the Government of Flanders in implementation of the Cooperation Treaty between the Government of the Republic of Hungary and the Government of Flanders”, a project generating scientific workshop was held in Budapest on June 25 organized by the Flemish Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), the Hungarian Academy of Science (HAS) and the National Innovation Office of Hungary (NIH).

The Flemish head of delegation, Dr. Ir. Isabelle Verbaeys, Head of International Affairs of FWO was accompanied to Budapest by a total of eight Flemish researchers representing all five major universities of Flanders. Prof. Joos Vandewalle and Prof. Stefan Janssens, senior researchers of the Catholic University of Leuven gave valuable presentations on the Cellular Neural Networks, and the actual Cardiovascular Sciences studies performed in Belgium. Vrije Universiteit Brussel was represented by Dr. Jan Steyaert structural biologist, Antwerpen University by Dr. Veaceslav Misco physicist, Hasselt University by Dr. Milos Nesladek applied physicist and Ghent University by Dr. Bernard De Baets applied mathematician with an already existing cooperation program with the Hungarian Óbuda University.

Dr. Peter Tompa, enzymologist at Vrije Universiteit Brussel and Dr. Péter Pokreisz, cardiologist researcher at Catholic University of Leuven gave their best practice experience concerning Hungarian-Flemish cooperation. The 16 Hungarian researchers, who attended the event, along with the Flemish delegation provided a wide range of natural science researchers. The official presentations were followed by face-to-face discussions in the headquarters of HAS after which the National Innovation Office presented the possibilities for a bilateral cooperation. The official program was concluded by the site visits of some of the major research centers of HAS.

The personal contact between the Hungarian and Flemish researchers will hopefully produce new collaborations and Flemish- Hungarian joint researches in the field of physics, applied mathematics, structural biology and/or automation with different laboratories of the Hungarian Research Centre for Natural Sciences, the Institute of Experimental Medicine, the Wigner Research Centre for Physics and/or the Institute for Computer Science and Control.


Magyar Tudományos Akadémia
Nemzeti Innovációs Hivatal
Flamand Kutatási Alapítvány
Updated: 14 December 2017
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