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Full house and stirring encounters in the Budapest final of the Get in the Ring startup competition
Full house and stirring encounters in the Budapest final of the Get in the Ring startup competition
16 December 2016
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
This year 70 Central and Eastern European teams applied to participate in the international startup competition, and 16 of them teams made it to the pitch training in Budapest. Based on the votes of the professional jury 8 teams got selected to present their ideas on stage: 3 Hungarian, 2 Romanian, 1 Polish, 1 Austrian and 1 Latvian startup had the opportunity to enter the ring and fight, in front of the audience. Excellent ideas run for the award, such as an anti-counterfeiting technology by the Polish Innovalab, or a Smart City solution developed by 4SmartStreet from Latvia.

„Numerous internationally recognized Hungarian research and development centres of excellence may serve as an inspiring environment for sprouting innovative businesses. Startups can also rely on the financing system that fosters innovation across Hungary. Incubation centres to be established throughout the country due to the Innovation ecosystem call will offer a mentorship system that enables business ideas to turn into marketable products which might be seen as promising investments also for the recently launched government-run venture capital fund.” said József Pálinkás, President of the NRDI Office in his welcome speech.

The award of an investment offer worth EUR 200,000 went to Intellyo, an Austrian-Hungarian joint team for its intelligent platform acquiring consumers at an industrial scale. This means that they have qualified to the 2017 global final in Singapore, next spring.

„We have been organizing Get in the Ring startup competition in Hungary since 2014, but this was the first time that also foreign teams had the chance to join. We think it’s important to be part of the Get in the Ring family including a network of competitions in 62 countries. We hope that as a result of our work, soon we can bring the Get in the Ring Global Final to Hungary, so that Budapest can challenge prestigious startup events like Pioneers Festival or Wolves Summit.” – said Zsolt Kovács, Head of Operations at Enterprise Hungary.

Just as last year, the Budapest final of the Get in the Ring was again organised with the professional support of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office of Hungary on 24 November 2016. The organiser Enterprise Hungary’s ambition is to bring up an iconic startup event that is widely recognised in the region.

Members of the jury were internationally recognised professionals of the startup community:

Maris Prii (Startup Wise Guys), Max Kelly (Techstars London), Markus Lang (Pinoeers Ventures), Jochem Cuppen (GITR Foundation), Katona Bence (Hiventures), Veronika Erős (Hungarian National Trading House)


A győztes csapat: Intellyo
Winner: Intellyo

Közönségdíjas: Moow
Audience award: Moow

Pálinkás József, az NKFI Hivatal elnöke
József Pálinkás, president of the NRDI Office

A zsűri

Updated: 14 December 2017
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