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Hungarian-Portuguese Joint Committee meeting on S&T at the National Innovation Office
Hungarian-Portuguese Joint Committee meeting on S&T
17 October 2012
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 2 minute(s)
The 10th session of the Hungarian-Portuguese inter-governmental Joint Committee meeting on Science & Technology (S&T) was held in Budapest at the National Innovation Office, on October 10th, 2012. The Hungarian delegation was led by Dr. Ildikó Kovács, head of the Department for International Affairs of the National Innovation Office (NIO), Dr. Miklós Győr, head of unit for international relations (NIO) and István Mányi, senior counsellor of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The Portuguese delegates were Maria Teresa Delicado Martins, project manager from the Foundation for Science and Technology of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, and Leandro Amado the first secretary from the Embassy of Portugal.

Followed by Dr. Miklós Győr, who started the meeting by giving an overview of the Hungarian innovation institutional system, explaining the recent systemic changes in Hungary, Dr. Ildikó Kovács explained the working mechanisms of the New Széchenyi Plan. After the Hungarian presentation, the Portuguese representative, Ms. Delicado Martins outlined the Portuguese innovation system, mentioning that Portugal has a weakened economy therefore the financing of the project would be less than agreed upon at the beginning.

The participants scrutinised Hungarian and Portuguese project proposals submitted at the latest, 2009 call for proposals. Jointly they identified the project proposals that have the best outlooks in the terms of feasibility and therefore were designated for potential financial support. Out of the 20 valid project proposals, separately ranked by Hungarian and Portuguese authorities, the 5 highest ranked projects gained consensual support from the two sides.

The parties mutually delineated the work plan for 2012-2014, then, specified upcoming deadlines which were included in the protocol of the meeting. At the end of the meeting the protocol was finalized and signed by both Hungarian and Portuguese representatives.

Dr. Kovács Ildikó (NIH), Maria Teresa Delicado Martins (FCT)
Dr. Kovács Ildikó (NIH), Maria Teresa Delicado Martins (FCT)

Maria Teresa Delicado Martins (FCT), Dr. Kovács Ildikó (NIH)
Maria Teresa Delicado Martins (FCT), Dr. Kovács Ildikó (NIH)

Updated: 14 December 2017
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