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New EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation beyond 2020: expert group to prepare Hungarian position
New EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation beyond 2020: expert group to prepare Hungarian position
19 October 2017
Modified: 14 December 2017
Reading time: 3 minute(s)
Upon the initiative of the National Research, Development and Innovation Office an expert group is taking part in the elaboration of the Hungarian position paper regarding the content and strategic orientations of the 9th Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9) to be launched in 2021.

As the national coordinator of Horizon 2020 policy activities in Hungary, the NRDI Office has started to sum up the lessons learned from Hungarian participation in the framework programmes and identify the future strategic directions and priorities for Hungary. The expert group consists of experienced, acclaimed stakeholders from academia and industry as well as policymakers who are familiar with both domestic and international RDI policies and with the evolution of the EU research and innovation framework programmes over the years.

Amongst the issues the expert group will address are the questions of structure and governance, opportunities for widening participation, future forms of cooperation as well as horizontal aspects (e.g. open science).

As a result of 2-3 of its meetings, the expert group is expected to elaborate the draft FP9 position paper by November 2017. However, the NRDI Office will also count on further contribution from the group in the future, as dedicated discussions about the content and legal framework of FP9 will continuously be held during 2018-2020.


Members of the FP9 expert group:

Dr. Márk Bató
Program Manager
Prime Minister’s Office, Methodology Unit
Gergely Böhm
Head of Department
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Department of International Relations
Sándor Erdő
Managing Director
Erdőpharma Ltd.
Ildikó Horváth
Deputy Director General, Medical Director
National Korányi Institute of Tb and Pulmonology
Viktória Józsa
Managing Director
NORD CONSULT Economic and Innovation Management Ltd.
Balázs Kiss
Senior Research Fellow
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Centre for Social Sciences
Ákos Kristóf
Deputy Head of Department
Ministry of Agriculture, Research, Development and Innovation Unit
Gyöngyvér Lenkeyné Bíró
Bay Zoltán Nonprofit Ltd.
Ferenc Oberfrank
Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Experimental Medicine
Ferenc Pongrácz
IBM Hungary Ltd.
Márta Rencz
Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Department of Electronic Devices
András Sebők
Managing Director
Campden BRI Hungary Ltd.
István Szabó
Head of Department
Ministry of Human Capacities, Department of Higher Education and Research Strategies
Dr. Péter Szalay
Vice Rector for Science, Eötvös Loránd University
László Szilágyi
Deputy Head of Department
Ministry for National Economy, Department of Economic Strategy Analyses and Methodology
Updated: 14 December 2017
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